结局名→ |
智慧的火焰(The Flames of Prajna) |
激动的灵魂(Fevered Spirits) |
毁灭之路(Road to Ruin) |
改变初衷(A Change of Heart) |
掀起殖民地 (Setting Off to Foreign Lands) |
武士坦荡荡(Samurai Straight) |
失去勇气(Loss of Nerve) |
黑暗的意志(A Dark Will) |
浪费愿望(Wasted Wish) |
互助(Mutual Rescue) |
战争中的首席大臣(Chief Minister At War) |
攘夷志士(Patriots) |
鬼怒川的邪恶影响(Kinugawa's Evil Influence) |
突袭大使馆(Raiding the Consulate) |
毁灭的智慧(Annihilation of the Prajnas) |
(The Three Kataneers) |
船上的曙光(Twilight On Board) |
武士之魂(The Samurai Spirit) |
黑船在手(Black Ship In Hand) |
全面突袭(The Raid) |
莫洛茂,剑士(Shigeru Moro, Swordsman) |
寿光,军人(Hikaru Kotobuki, Military Man) |