
2012-12-11 13:20:17

第二关 The King Of Chinatown


Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Chicago Police Officer, Market Vendor,  Dealer, Chicago SWAT Officer 收集这四种制服: 警察、商贩、毒贩、特警队
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence. 证据,在亭子里,投毒前顺手收了
Infiltrator Complete the  chapter without being spotted.
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise.
Kaboom Messy but  effective. Kill the target with a remote explosive. 使用遥控引爆杀死目标
A Killing View Target  eliminated with a sniper rifle, from the dealers apartment. 使用狙击枪杀死目标,在市场右侧二楼,毒贩的窝里
Controlled Detonation Kill only the  target. Use the remote explosive near the Kings car to kill only him. The  cop in the body dump will be unharmed. 把爆炸物放在King的跑车旁,杀死(并只杀死)他
Man Down Kill the  target by pushing him down a hole. The "hole" is the cargo floor  opening near where the King eats his free poisoned sushi. 把目标推进坑里,在市场左侧尽头
Drop Dead Accidental  kill by dropping the suspended cargo on the target. Do it where he stops to  publicly urinate by the level exit. 制造意外令货物砸死目标
Two for the Price of One Get the Kazo  TRG sniper rifle from the dealers apartment and kill both the dealer and the  King in one shot. You may need to be discovered to get the perfect lined up  shot (just reload after the challenge is earned) 用狙击枪一枪干掉毒贩和King
Clean Sweep Evidence  recovered. 47 remains undetected. 找到证据并不被发现
Dont Do Drugs Poison the  targets drugs. Use the Fugu Fish and poison the stash in the dealers  apartment. 取河豚毒素,然后直奔楼梯底的角落里,往**里投毒,然后等(king会跟着贩子上楼high一下,任务就完成了)
Hot Coffee Place Fugu  Fish poison into the Kings coffee at the pagoda. 去卖鱼摊取河豚毒,到亭子里的咖啡投毒
Lets Do Lunch Place Fugu  Fish poison in the Kings sushi, near where you can push him down the cargo  hole. 把河豚鱼毒素放到King的寿司里,毒死他
Master Poisoner Complete Hot  Coffee, Dont Do Drugs and Lets Do Lunch 完成以上3个投毒
Quid Pro Quo Clear mission  完成任务
Veiled Death Part 1 Subdue/stealth  kill any policeman, take his uniform then subdue/stealth kill the dealer  while wearing the policemans uniform. Easiest outfit to get would be the  guard who is near Kings car. Works at his appartment or when the dealer goes  to get his drugs in the stairwell. 杀死一个警察换上制服,然后杀掉贩子。最可行的路线是出口旁的3个警察,其中两个会离开,尽快干掉,换衣服,然后跟随贩子到楼梯底,干掉
Veiled Death Part 2 Poison/stealth  kill the target wearing the dealers disguise (needs confirmation on whether  it has to happen in dealers apartment) 紧接着Part 1,换上贩子的衣服,先去取河豚毒,然后去亭子里跟king碰头,带他上2楼,要比king走得快,到左边窗口的桌子上投毒,等他挂掉

Item Location
Disguise - Dealer The Kings  drug dealer can be found roaming between his apartment, the pagoda, and the  back alley where he hides a second stash of drugs. 毒贩的衣服
Disguise - Market Vendor The various  stall owners and food vendors have this disguise. Theres a bag with the  disguise near where the King eats his sushi. 随便那个摊贩的衣服,建议走到尽头的那个摊子,没其他人
Disguise - Chicago Policeman Theres more  police in this stage than there are in all six Police Academy movies. 警察制服
Disguise - Chicago SWAT Officer These enemies  only appear if 47 becomes a mass murderer. You can cause a ruckus, drag off a  SWAT and take the disguise, then reload the checkpoint afterward. 特警制服,只有当47化身杀人狂魔时才出现,干掉一个换上制服,然后重新reload这个check  point就是了
Swiss 3000 Fictional  handgun. The dealer may have this weapon, or you can find it by the illegal  police stash near the Kings sportscar. 毒贩的枪
Z&M Model 60 Fictional  S&W Model 60 Revolver used by the fictional Chicago Police Department. 警察的左轮
HX UMP Fictional  H&K UMP. Find it by the illegal police stash near the Kings sportscar. 冲锋枪,在king的跑车附近的坏警察的藏匿处
Kazo TRG Sniper rifle  found in the dealers apartment. 狙击枪,贩子的窝里
Axe Item found in  one of the stalls. 斧头,过了牌坊,往前走,整个市场的右前方角落里
Brick A common junk  item on the street. 砖头,过了欢舞学院的牌子,一个牌坊前,右侧树下
Filet Knife A cutting  tool found in the stall next to the unused merchant disguise. 折叠刀,市场左侧走到尽头的2个摊子中,右侧的摊子
Gasoline Can Found near  one of the stalls. 汽油罐,进入龙门,向右转,面对白色欢舞学院的牌子的左边的箱子上
Knife Found in the  stall next to the fugu fish. 刀,开始没多久,刚进了龙门,左手一堆人群,背后的角落里,药箱对面
Bottle Empty bottles  are plentiful. 瓶子
Remote Explosive Find it by  the illegal police stash near the Kings sportscar. 遥控炸弹,在king的跑车附近的坏警察的藏匿处
Fugu Fish Find it in a  stall near the pagoda; the stall has both a man and a women market vendor.  The fugu fish is behind the woman market vendor (get it while her back is  turned). 河豚,在卖鱼摊,趁着那个女的转身去干别的,过去取,注意摊档外的警察的视线

目录 2/11 返回攻略专辑
平台:X360 | PS3 | PC

