《拳击俱乐部》全成就解锁指南 成就怎么解锁?

2018-06-12 09:02:37


  Spicy pizza

  Deliver pizza for Casey 2 times, and then you can ask him about special pizza, which will unlock this achievement.


  Beat Bill

  Ask Casey about the special pizza, and accpet his delivery, then you will fight with Bill. Defeat him.


  Beat Mark

  Deliver pizza 2 tmies again, then talk to Casey, and Mark is the next one.


  Beat Gabe

  Gabe is busy with Steam Summer Sales, so he will not come out. Just deliver pizza and get this achievement.


  Beat Steve

  Deliver pizza 2 more times and fight, you know it. When you win the fight, unlock location Sewers, where you can go and find their master to ask something about another achievement 'Avenge Fluffy!'.

  同上。打赢Steve以后就能见到他们的浣熊师傅了。浣熊师傅与成就'Avenge Fluffy!'相关。

  The Dark Fist

  Need DLC Dark Fist. Go to your home and find a suitcase, and it will lead to you to the locations where crimes happen. Suicase message follow the default order: Home→Grocery store→Sporting goods store→bar. When you go to the bar through the suitcase, ahieve 'The Dark Fist'.


  Save Fluffy!

  Need DLC Dark Fist.After achieving 'The Dark Fist', suitcase will guide you to these location: Biker camp→ Roy's house→Roof→Roof. Fight a mask man on the roof, and unlock this achievement.


  Avenge Fluffy!

  Need DLC Dark Fist.Follw the suitcase's message till Doc.Potion vendor tell you to find Casey. Talk to Casey, then go to Sewers and find Master (See the information about 'Beat Steve' above), unlock location Underwater base. There are 2 man wearing power armor inside, the first time you fight them will certainly lose, them Master will tell you to find Mack to get power armor and fight back. When you get the power armor and win the fight, you will achieve 'Avenge Fluffy!'.

  需要黑拳DLC。向体育器材店的博士Potion vendor归还激光后,过4天左右箱子会指示你去找博士,博士让你找咖啡店的Casey,Casey让你找下水道的浣熊Master。浣熊师傅会给你一个水下基地的位置,打赢里面的机甲战士就能解锁该成就。

  If you continue lose in underwater base, you may get the achievement too, but if so, you can't unlock 'The Power Armor' in this save.

  如果你在水下基地连着输了好几次似乎也能解锁该成就,不过这个档就无法完成‘The Power Armor’成就了。

  The Power Armor

  Need DLC Dark Fist. Find Mack in his ranch, and try to earn his turst. When you achieve 'King of the Hill' or 'Beat Ivangief', he will help you. You need 3 parts for Power Armor, go to Don's base and get them.Ffollow Mack's guide and you will finally get the power armor and unlock this achievement.


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