
2024-10-23 09:19:15



最大化一切 maxEverything = function() local LvL = 60; local AttrLvL = 20; local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, lev in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[lev], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i, attr in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'} do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[attr], AttrLvL) end print(' \n\tMAXED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n ') end maxEverything()

最大化一切(包括解锁所有技能) maxEverything_AllPerks = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local Levels = {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'}; local Attributes = {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'}; local Stage_0 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_2'}; local Stage_1 = {'Body_Left_Milestone_2', 'Body_Right_Milestone_1', 'Body_Right_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_3'}; local Stage_2 = {'Body_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_3 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_3', 'Body_Right_Milestone_3', 'Body_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Master_Perk_5'}; local Stage_4 = {'Body_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_4'}; local Stage_5 = {'Body_Master_Perk_5', 'Body_Master_Perk_2', 'Body_Master_Perk_3', 'Body_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_2', 'Cool_Master_Perk_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_1', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Master_Perk_3'}; local Stage_6 = {'Body_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Body_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_01', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_7 = {'Intelligence_Master_Perk_1', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_3', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_4', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_5', 'Tech_Master_Perk_2'}; local Stage_8 = {'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Left_3'}; local function setLevelsAndPoints() for i, lev in next, Levels do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[lev], 60, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i, att in next, Attributes do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[att], 20) end DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(222, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary) end local function buyPerkStage(perkStage) for i, perk in next, perkStage do DS:UnlockNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk]) end for i, perk in next, perkStage do local perkMulti = DS:GetNewPerkMaxLevel(perk); if DS:CanNewPerkBeBought(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false, false) then for i=1, perkMulti do DS:BuyNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false) end end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end local function buyAllPerkStages() for i, stage in next, {Stage_0, Stage_1, Stage_2, Stage_3, Stage_4, Stage_5, Stage_6, Stage_7, Stage_8} do buyPerkStage(stage) end end setLevelsAndPoints() buyAllPerkStages() print(' \n\tMAXED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n\t- ALL PERKS ADDED\n \n\t[ END ] Use "REMOVE ALL UNSPENT POINTS" to remove remaining points.\n ') end maxEverything_AllPerks()

满级等级与声望 LvL = 60; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n ")

设置所有属性等级 LvL = 20; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'} do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[v], LvL) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- BODY LEVEL\n\t- REFLEXES LEVEL\n\t- TECHNICAL ABILITY LEVEL\n\t- INTELLIGENCE LEVEL\n\t- COOL LEVEL\n ")

设置所有技能成长等级 LvL = 60; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- HEADHUNTER LEVEL\n\t- NETRUNNER LEVEL\n\t- SHINOBI LEVEL\n\t- SOLO LEVEL\n\t- ENGINEER LEVEL\n ")

解锁所有的技能 maxAllPerks = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local Attributes = {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'}; local Stage_0 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_2'}; local Stage_1 = {'Body_Left_Milestone_2', 'Body_Right_Milestone_1', 'Body_Right_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_3'}; local Stage_2 = {'Body_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_3 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_3', 'Body_Right_Milestone_3', 'Body_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Master_Perk_5'}; local Stage_4 = {'Body_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_4'}; local Stage_5 = {'Body_Master_Perk_5', 'Body_Master_Perk_2', 'Body_Master_Perk_3', 'Body_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_2', 'Cool_Master_Perk_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_1', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Master_Perk_3'}; local Stage_6 = {'Body_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Body_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_01', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_7 = {'Intelligence_Master_Perk_1', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_3', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_4', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_5', 'Tech_Master_Perk_2'}; local Stage_8 = {'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Left_3'}; local function setAttrsAndPoints() for i, att in next, Attributes do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[att], 20) end DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(222, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary) end local function buyPerkStage(perkStage) for i, perk in next, perkStage do DS:UnlockNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk]) end for i, perk in next, perkStage do local perkMulti = DS:GetNewPerkMaxLevel(perk); if DS:CanNewPerkBeBought(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false, false) then for i=1, perkMulti do DS:BuyNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false) end end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end local function buyAllPerkStages() for i, stage in next, {Stage_0, Stage_1, Stage_2, Stage_3, Stage_4, Stage_5, Stage_6, Stage_7, Stage_8} do buyPerkStage(stage) end end setAttrsAndPoints() buyAllPerkStages() print(' \n\tACTIVATED :\n\t- ALL BODY PERKS\n\t- ALL REFLEXES PERKS\n\t- ALL TECHNICAL ABILITY PERKS\n\t- ALL INTELLIGENCE PERKS\n\t- ALL COOL PERKS\n \n\t[ END ] Use "REMOVE ALL UNSPENT POINTS" to remove remaining points.\n ') end maxAllPerks()

解锁Relic技能树 local check, tree = 'RelicDevelopmentData', 'ep1_tree_unlocked'; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); if QS:GetFactStr(check) == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SCRIPT ABORTED ] Game Version : '..gameGameVersion.Current.value..'\n ') print('\tApparently PHANTOM LIBERTY DLC does not appear to be installed.\n\tIf this is not true, please leave feedback on the mod page.\n ') return else if QS:GetFactStr(tree) == 0 then QS:SetFactStr(tree, 1) print(' \n\tRELIC SKILL TREE UNLOCKED.\n\tEXIT & RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES.\n ') else print(' \n\tRELIC SKILL TREE ALREADY UNLOCKED.\n ') end end

最大生命+100 for i=1,11 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentHealthFood", 1) end print(" - MAXIMUM HEALT CAPACITY: + 100")

最大负重+100 for i=1,50 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.AirdropPermaReward", 1) end print(" - MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPACITY: + 100")

义体容量+100 for i=1,10 do for i,bonus in next, {"Epic", "Legendary"} do Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_"..bonus, 1) end end print(" - MAXIMUM CYBERWARE CAPACITY: + 100")

将各项等级变为1 function resetAllProgress() local LvL = 1; local resetPoints = 0; local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i,v in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool' } do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[v], LvL) end DS:ClearAllDevPoints() for i,v in next, {'Attribute', 'Primary'} do DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(resetPoints, gamedataDevelopmentPointType[v]) end DS:ResetNewPerks() DS:RefreshPerkAreas() print(" \n\tRESETTED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n\t- ALL PERKS REMOVED\n ") end resetAllProgress() --also DS:RefreshDevelopmentSystem() but removes items & cw

重置技能点 resetPerks = function() DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:ResetNewPerks() DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end resetPerks() print(" \n\tREMOVED:\n\t- ALL BODY PERKS\n\t- ALL REFLEXES PERKS\n\t- ALL TECHNICAL ABILITY PERKS\n\t- ALL INTELLIGENCE PERKS\n\t- ALL COOL PERKS\n ") --records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataNewPerk_Record') do for _, record in ipairs(records) do ID = record:GetID() for i=1,5 do DS:ForceSellNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType.ID) end end end

移除所有未使用的点数 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage} do CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(v) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, v) end print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT POINTS REMOVED !\n ") --also DS:ClearAllDevPoints()

移除未使用的属性点 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT ATTRIBUTE POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

移除未使用的技能点 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT PERK POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

移除未使用的Relic点数 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT RELIC POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

等级+1 ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.Level DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); ExpAmount = DS:GetRemainingExpForLevelUp(ProfType); DS:AddExperience(ExpAmount, ProfType, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

声望+1 ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StreetCred DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); ExpAmount = DS:GetRemainingExpForLevelUp(ProfType); DS:AddExperience(ExpAmount, ProfType, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置等级60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.Level; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置声望50 LvL = 50; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StreetCred; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

技能点+1000 Points = 1000; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); attr,prim = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute,gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(Points, attr) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(Points, prim)

属性点+10 AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)

技能点+10 AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)

Relic点数+1 AttPoints = 1; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)


设置肉体为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Strength; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置反应为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Reflexes; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置技术为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.TechnicalAbility; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置智力为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Intelligence; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置镇定为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Cool; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)


设置猎头为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.CoolSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置黑客为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.IntelligenceSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置忍者为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.ReflexesSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置独狼为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StrengthSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置工程为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.TechnicalAbilitySkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)


技能芯片:独狼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BodySkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:猎头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CoolSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:黑客 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IntelligenceSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:忍者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ReflexesSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:工程 Game.AddToInventory("Items.TechnicalAbilitySkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

专长芯片(技能点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.PerkPointSkillbook",1)

成长芯片(技能点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.IKPerkPointSkillbook",1)

属性芯片(属性点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.AttributePointSkillbook",1)

Relic芯片(Relic点数+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Espionage_Skillbook",1)

负重芯片(负重+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.AirdropPermaReward",1)

义体容量芯片(义体容量+6) Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Legendary",1)


血量永久增加9 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentHealthFood",1)

RAM恢复速率永久增加2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentMemoryRegenFood",1)

耐力恢复速率永久增加2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentStaminaRegenFood",1)


设置最大生命 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Health'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大耐力 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Stamina'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大氧气 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Oxygen'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大负重 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'CarryCapacity'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置义体容量 StatValue = 450; StatType = 'Humanity'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改已使用的义体容量 StatValue = -300; StatType = 'HumanityAllocated'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

锁定最大义体容量(数值须与义体容量一致)(注意存档) StatValue = 500; StatType = 'HumanityTotalMaxValue'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置义体容量超出值(用来触发边缘行者)(使用前注意存档) StatValue = 80; StatType = 'HumanityOverallocated'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置边缘行者不降低生命值 StatValue = -0.01; StatType = 'EdgerunnerHealthReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改义体词条倍率(设多少便加减多少)(需重新读档) StatValue = 1.5; StatType = 'SecondaryModifiersAdditiveMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大护甲 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Armor'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大RAM StatValue = 30; StatType = 'Memory'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大吸入器数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'HealingItemMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大手雷数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'GrenadesMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置手雷能否暴击(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanGrenadesCriticallyHit'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置手雷爆炸范围 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'GrenadeExplosionBonusRange'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置生命恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'HealthInCombatRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置RAM恢复速率 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'MemoryRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置耐力恢复速率(上限为125%) StatValue = 125; StatType = 'StaminaRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置耐力消耗减免为100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanIgnoreStamina'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大入侵协议缓冲区数量 StatValue = 15; StatType = 'BufferSize'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置经验倍率 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'XPbonusMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置爆头倍率 StatValue = 3; StatType = 'HeadshotDamageMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置暴击几率 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'CritChanceBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置暴击伤害 StatValue = 300; StatType = 'CritDamageBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置充能倍率 StatValue = 3; StatType = 'ChargeMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置移动速度 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'MaxSpeed'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置近战武器攻速 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'AttackSpeed'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解上传时间减免99%(不要超过99%) StatValue = 0.99; StatType = 'QuickHackUploadTimeDecrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解能否暴击(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanQuickHackCriticallyHit'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解暴击几率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'QuickHackCritChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解RAM消耗降低30 StatValue = 30; StatType = 'MemoryCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大快速破解列队数量 StatValue = 4; StatType = 'QuickHackQueueSize'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解的散布几率为100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'OverclockSpreadChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解的散布数量 StatValue = 20; StatType = 'QuickHackOverclockSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解额外的散布距离 StatValue = 30; StatType = 'QuickHackSpreadDistanceIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置黑墙网关散布数量 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'QuickHackBlackWallSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置连带传染的散布数量 StatValue = 6; StatType = 'QuickHackContagionSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改控制类快速破解持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DurationBonusControlQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改隐蔽类快速破解持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DurationBonusCovertQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置使用快速破解时追踪进度的倍率(默认为1) StatValue = -1; StatType = 'PlayerOnRevealHackProgressMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脱离黑客追踪状态的最大距离(默认为50) StatValue = 0.01; StatType = 'RevealPositionMaxDistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置被追踪所需时间的倍率(不大于0则不被追踪)(默认为1) StatValue = 0; StatType = 'HackRevealPositionModifier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置物品制作消耗降低100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CraftingCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置武器升级消耗降低100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'UpgradingCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置处决临界血量为100% StatValue = 100; StatType = 'FinisherHealthThresholdIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置爆能射击的发射时间窗口 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'PerfectChargeTimeWindowIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置地裂天崩快速冷却 StatValue = 0.1; StatType = 'GroundSlamCooldownModifier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置刀剑自动格挡(需解锁技能交兵相接)(默认为0) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'IsBlocking'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否可以抱人奔跑(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanSprintWhileCarryingBody'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置NPC能否攻击玩家(1为否0为能) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'IsIgnoredByEnemyNPC'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹每次发射数量 StatValue = 16; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherProjectilesPerCharge'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹发射器快速恢复 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置能否看到跳弹轨迹(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanSeeRicochetVisuals'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置近战武器能否重击飞扑(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanMeleeLeap'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改义体冷却减免(设多少便加减多少)(不能到100%) StatValue = 0.399; StatType = 'CyberwareCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end


设置脑机超频消耗速率 StatValue = 0; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockDecayRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脑机超频持续时间 StatValue = 60; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脑机超频冷却时间 StatValue = 0; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockCooldown'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置斯安威斯坦持续时间 StatValue = 60; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改斯安威斯坦时间减缓程度(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = -0.15; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改斯安威斯坦充能时间(设多少减多少)(不能减少到0) StatValue = -29; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置弹射发射系统弹药数量 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'ProjectileLauncherMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置弹射发射系统装填速度加成为100%(秒装) StatValue = 100; StatType = 'ProjectileLauncherChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改狂暴消耗速率(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = -7.5; StatType = 'BerserkChargesDecayRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置狂暴恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'BerserkChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置光学迷彩冷却时间为0.01(为0有bug) StatValue = -49.99; StatType = 'OpticalCamoRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置光学迷彩恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'OpticalCamoChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫冷却时间(设多少便加减多少)(不能减到0) StatValue = -5.5; StatType = 'KerenzikovCooldownDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫时缓持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 6.5; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫时缓程度(设多少便加减多少)(不能减到0) StatValue = -0.24; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫激活时玩家的时间流速(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovPlayerTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否已装备副心脏(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'HasSecondHeart'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置副心脏冷却时间 StatValue = -199; StatType = 'SecondHeartCooldownDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

卡米略RAM管理器冷却减少35(需重新读档) StatValue = 35; StatType = 'RamManagerCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

RAM配平冷却减少10(需重新读档) StatValue = 10; StatType = 'RamManagerCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否已装备强化肌腱(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'HasDoubleJump'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置疼痛编辑器的伤害减免为100% StatValue = 0; StatType = 'PainEditorDamageReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置震慑通电的触发几率为100%(需重新读档) StatValue = 0.9; StatType = 'ElectroshockMechanismProcChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置量子调谐双倍容量 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'TimeBankCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置量子调谐双倍恢复速率 StatValue = 1; StatType = 'TimeBankRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置火车王肌腱每秒衰减1%(默认为20%)(需重新读档) StatValue = -19; StatType = 'JenkinsHelperDecayPerSecond'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置行为特征脸板冷却(设多少重新加载后还是多少) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CWMaskRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end


修改瞄准速度 StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'ADSSpeedPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改武器操控 StatValue = 1; StatType = 'RecoilPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改装弹速度(需小于100%) StatValue = 0.3; StatType = 'ReloadSpeedPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改流血几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BleedingApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改中毒几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'PoisonedApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改电击几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'ElectrocutedApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改燃烧几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BurningApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改爆炸伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ExplosionDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改化学伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ChemicalDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改电子伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ElectricDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改热能伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ThermalDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改近战伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'MeleeDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改潜行伤害加成 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'StealthHitDamageBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改跳弹伤害加成 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BonusRicochetDamage'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改快速破解伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'BonusQuickHackDamage'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改快速破解持续时间(最大提升2倍,即变为原来的3倍) StatValue = 2; StatType = 'DurationBonusQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改持续性伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DamageOverTimePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改持续性伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'DamageOverTimeResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改爆炸伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'ExplosionResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改近战伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'MeleeResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对BOSS伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstBosses'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对精英敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 100; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstElites'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对机械敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstMechanicals'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对满血敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageToEnemiesAtFullHealth'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对生命值不足一半敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageToEnemiesBelowHalfHealth'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对中毒的敌人减伤80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'PercentDamageReductionFromPoisonedEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对受到电击的敌人暴击率增加80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'BonusCritChanceVsElectrocutedEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对燃烧的敌人伤害增加80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageVsBurningEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改闪躲/突进耐力消耗减免50% StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DodgeStaminaCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改消灭敌人RAM恢复 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'RamOnKill'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改击杀流血敌人治疗 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'HealOnKillingBleedingTarget'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改半伤几率 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'MitigationChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改半伤强度 StatValue = 80; StatType = 'MitigationStrength'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值恢复加成60% StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'HealthGeneralRegenRateMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值物品效果(提高50%) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'HealingItemsEffectPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值物品补充速度 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'HealingItemsChargesRegenMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改手雷补充速度 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'GrenadesChargesRegenMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改敌人视野降低60%(不可使"对敌方可见度"小于0) StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'VisibilityReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end


目录 3/15 返回攻略专辑


平台:XONE | PS4 | X360

