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冰汽时代 v1.0.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

冰汽时代 v1.0.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
更新时间:2018-05-19 13:56






更新v 1.0.1:
默认的显示模式检测修复 - 现在应该全部修复(如果它仍然在发生 - 我们有一个您描述的手动解决方案 - 下面将介绍)
更多诊断工具 - 我们添加了一些分析功能这将帮助我们跟踪和解决未来的问题
“联盟”的成就也得到了解决 - 它之前在工作 - 但是由错误事件引发
“钢铁侠(The Arks)”的成就是固定的 - 现在只能在The Arks场景中获得
内存泄漏是固定的 - 这应该会提高稳定性和整体性能(更多的FPS,更少的崩溃等)
保存游戏buffor记忆增加 - 这应该消除您使用自动保存功能时遇到的任何问题
与Alienware合作,我们在游戏中增加了一项新功能 - 这应该可以让Frostpunk的黑暗氛围更加亮丽。如果您使用的是兼容硬件:
我们只是说:如果您看到看到一些紫色灯 - 更好地启动发电机过载。
天气警告 - 当温度升高或下降时,您的键盘会让您知道,脉动与核心匹配的颜色。




屏幕分辨率问题 - 手动解决方案
所以如果你愿意的话,我们已经修复了它,这不是人为的可能在每一个硬件配置上测试它。 - 出于某种奇怪的原因 - 仍然遇到这个问题,不要绝望,我们为您提供手动解决方案。

你可以使用记事本打开它 - 这很简单!
然后,您可以自行更改一些设置 - 如质量(低 - 非常高),垂直同步,分辨率,窗口模式/全屏
要使这些设置生效 - 您必须使用 - gfxconfig参数启动游戏(查找有关如何执行此操作的说明)
当您启动游戏时 - 您可以随意更改游戏中的设置
如果您删除了-gfxconfig参数 - 游戏将会使用您在游戏中选择的设置启动
在GfxConfig.ini中以低分辨率(800 x 600)设置窗口模式
我如何添加 - gfxconfig参数?

- 右键单击​​Steam库中的Frostpunk;
- 导航到“本地文件”选项卡,然后单击“浏览本地文件...”;
- 新的浏览器窗口与游戏文件将打开,请在文件夹中找到“Frostpunk.exe”;
- 在同一个文件夹中创建应用程序的快捷方式;
- 右键单击​​新创建的快捷方式,选择“属性”;
- 在“目标”行中,添加“-gfxconfig”在路径的最末端(无引号但与之前的短划线字符的空间);
- 应用更改;
- 使用新创建和编辑的快捷方式启动游戏


Update v1.0.1:
Default display mode detection fix - we know you've experienced some issues with screen resolutions; it should be all fixed now (if it's still happening for you - we have a manual solution that you can use - described below)
More diagnostics tools - we've added some analytics that will help us track and fix issues in the future
"Bread and Games" achievement is working properly now
"The Union" achievement is fixed as well - it was working before - but was triggered by wrong events
"Iron Man (The Arks)" achievement is fixed - now it's only possible to get it during The Arks scenario
Memory leaks are fixed - which should improve stability and overall performance (more FPS, less crashes etc.)
Save game buffor memory increased - which should eliminate any issues that you had with autosaving feature
Added feature: AlienFX.
Working with Alienware, we've added new feature to our game - which should brighten up Frostpunk's dark atmoshpere a bit. If you're using compatible hardware:
Your keyboard's backlight colours will change depending on the current temperature in your city. And let's just say: if you see some purple lights - better fire up that Generator overdrive.
Weather warnings - when the temperature rises or drops - your keyboard will let you know about it, pulsating with coresponding colours.

Read more about AlienFX here:
ROCCAT and Alienware have joined forces to bring you the most innovative and game-enhancing lighting system on the market, AlienFX. Two of the most trusted names in gaming with an amazing partnership, one incredible light show, and an ever-expanding portfolio of awesome ROCCAT products that it's compatible with. 

AlienFX makes in-game events for some of the most popular titles that much more thrilling and immersive, bringing gamers closer to the worlds they play in than ever before with lighting effects tied directly to the action.

More info on the official websites: here[www.roccat.org] and here[eu.alienwarearena.com].

Screen resolutions issue - manual solution.
Remember that one pesky issue that we've mentioned in "changes and fixes" section? The one about resolutions? Well, we've fixed it. However, it's not humanly possible to test it on each and every hardware configuration. So if you - for some strange reason - still encounter this problem, do not despair, we have a manual solution for you.

Long story short:
we've added a special file to game's folder. It is called "GfxConfig.ini"
you can open it using Notepad - that's easy!
then you can change some setting by yourself - like Quality (Low - Very High), VSync, resolution, windowed mode/fullscreen
for these settings to work - you have to launch the game with -gfxconfig parameter (find instructions on how to do that below)
when you launch the game - you can change in-game settings as you please 
however, whenever you launch the game again with -gfxconfig parameter - it will reset to settings from the GfxConfig.ini file
if you remove the -gfxconfig parameter - game will launch with the settings that you've selected in-game
So we suspect that most of you are going to:
Set windowed mode with a low resolution (800x600) in GfxConfig.ini
Launch the game with -gfxconfig parameter
Change the settings to desired ones
Quit the game
Remove the -gfxconfig and launch the game without it from now on
How do I add -gfxconfig parameter?

- Right-click on Frostpunk in your Steam library;
- Navigate to the “Local files” tab and click on “Browse Local Files…”;
- New explorer window with the game files will open, please find “Frostpunk.exe” in the folder;
- Create a shortcut to the application in the very same folder;
- Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, select “Properties”;
- In the “Target” line, add “ -gfxconfig” at the very end of the path (without the inverted commas but with the space before the dash character);
- Apply the changes;
- Launch the game using the newly-created and edited shortcut


《冰汽时代》v1.6.1十三项修改器(感谢游侠会员peizhaochen原创制作)《冰汽时代》v1.0-v1.6十五项修改器风灵月影版冰汽时代 v1.5十九项修改器MrAntiFun版冰汽时代 v1.0-v1.5十五项修改器风灵月影版冰汽时代 v1.4.1.50110.53938升级档RazorDOX版