- 游戏大师模式:固定美杜莎头,而不是蛇的翅膀
- 游戏大师模式:修正了在保存和加载后被选中的生物天赋被阻挡或移除的错误
- 游戏大师模式:修正了NPC可能失去指派的能力和天赋的错误
- 游戏大师模式:玩家不能再向聚集的生物发送派对邀请,这会打破GM的库存
- 游戏大师模式:自定义GM的冒险现在允许GM附加组件
- 游戏主模式:GM现在可以设置锁定级别
- 游戏大师模式:GM或附魔生物不应该看到游戏裹尸布
- 游戏大师模式:通用汽车提供的技能现在在正确的部分
- 游戏大师模式:通用汽车提供的技能现在可以不需要学习
- 游戏大师模式:从被标记为被盗的生物身上取得的固定物品
- 增加了兼容设备的Razer Chroma支持
- 用工具提示说明选项
- 控制器用户界面:现在可以识别其他角色库存中的物品
- 默认情况下将所有鬼魂设置为“浮动”
- 多个文本修复
- 当有人加入角色创建时修复名称重置
- 删除了混乱的错误消息'连接到Larian支持服务器失败'
- 修正了阿兰的宝藏表
- 私人派对任务现在与派对共享更新
- 删除全球聊天
- 您现在可以从控制器UI中的地图中删除玩家标记
- 修复了从GeForce Experience开始的崩溃
- 修正了制作清单被锁定,直到您访问符文面板
- 解散和重新邀请玩家后出现在源静音状态的转盘计数器
- 修正了有时不会显示的制作进度条
- 固定永久状态显示一个转数计数器
- 修正了需要两次确认的控制器UI重命名字符
- 修正地形变形滚动图标
- 固定源喷泉显示内部名称
- 修复了他们会消失或不再显示的提示问题
- 修正了提示持有'B'结束转弯的问题
- 修复了技能,有时候不会被添加到可用技能池中
- 在淡化完成之前单击字符创建中的接受时修复空白肖像
- 修正了右击地形有时不会取消排队的动作
Update v3.0.226.993:
- Game Master Mode: Fixed Medusa head giving wings instead of snakes
- Game Master Mode: Fixed a bug where selected talents of creatures were blocked or removed after saving and loading
- Game Master Mode: Fixed a bug where NPCs could lose assigned abilities and talents
- Game Master Mode: Player can no longer send a party invitation to a possessed creature, which broke the GM's inventory
- Game Master Mode: Custom GM adventures now allow GM add-ons
- Game Master Mode: GM can now set lockpick level
- Game Master Mode: GM or possessed creature should not see game shroud
- Game Master Mode: Skills given by GM are now in the correct section
- Game Master Mode: Skills given by GM can now be unlearned
- Game Master Mode: Fixed items taken from creatures being marked as stolen
- Razer Chroma support added for compatible devices
- Clarified options with tooltips
- Controller UI: Can now identify items in another character's inventory
- Set all ghosts to ‘Floating’ by default
- Multiple text fixes
- Fixed name reset when someone joins in Character Creation
- Removed the confusing error message 'Connection to the Larian support server failed’
- Fixed Arran's treasure table
- Private party quests now share updates with the party
- Removed Global Chat
- You can now remove player marker from map in controller UI
- Fixed crash when started from GeForce Experience
- Fixed crafting list being locked until you visited runes panel
- Fixed turn counter appearing on Source Mute status after dismissing and re-inviting player
- Fixed crafting progression bar not showing sometimes
- Fixed permanent statuses showing a turn counter
- Fixed controller UI renaming character requiring two confirmations
- Fixed terrain transmutation scroll icon
- Fixed Source fountain showing internal name
- Fixed tooltip issues where they'd disappear or not show anymore
- Fixed issues with the prompt to hold 'B' to end turn
- Fixed skills sometimes not being added to available skills pool
- Fixed empty portraits when clicking accept in character creation before fading is done
- Fixed right clicking terrain sometimes not cancelling queued actions