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恐怖黎明 v1.0.2.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

恐怖黎明 v1.0.2.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
更新时间:2017-10-15 13:37







修复了可能阻止DirectX 11模式启动的崩溃。

[Mod Tools]
Asset Manager现在将向Import Record添加额外的构建和源目录,允许modders导入扩展文件。如果使用默认路径,其他源目录应设置为C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Grim Dawn \ mods \ gdx1 \和其他浏览目录到C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Grim Dawn \ gdx1 \

Steelcap District Riftgate遭遇的调整产卵

修复的神话中的Aetherreach给予-6%能量成本给Aether Ray而不是平-6
史诗 - Luminari Regalia集合:交换8%攻击速度和+2到侦察技能设置奖金
Epic - Dreadwalker Set:交换8%的健康和+2到死灵法师技能设置奖金
传奇 - 安德罗斯的放大器:将+1替换为拆除技能,以+1提问技能,将神器处理的奖金减少到+2,将迫击炮陷阱增加到+3
传奇 - Arcanum Sigillis:向Inquisitor技能增加+1
传奇 - 死亡联盟紫水晶:纠正过程类型与基础游戏相匹配,这是马尔默斯灰烬意外地恢复
传奇 - 神话安德罗斯的放大器:以+1的技术替代+1的拆除技能,减少对神器处理的加成+2,减少对Kalastor的符文奖励+1,将“灰浆陷阱”的奖金增加到+3,删除4减少冷却时间
传奇 - 神话Arcanum Sigillis:添加+1到审讯技能
传奇 - 神话中的严重破坏:将+1加入侦察技能,将致命目标的奖金减少到+2
传奇 - 神话中的Valdun帽子:将授予技能的皮尔斯伤害提高到34-40
传奇 - 神话中的Valdun的夹克:加上平坦的皮尔斯伤害授予的技能,从项目中删除平板皮尔斯伤害加成
传奇 - 神话中的Valdun步枪:增加皮尔斯伤害
传奇 - Runebinder的Spellthrower:更新的授权技能与Savagery类似
传奇 - 瓦尔登的帽子:授予技能的皮尔斯伤害提高到28-33
传奇 - Valdun的夹克:对于授予技能的平均皮尔斯伤害加成,从物品中删除平皮皮尔伤害加成
传奇 - Valdun的步枪:增加皮尔斯伤害
传奇 - Valdun的背叛套装:减少皮尔斯加成14-48
传奇 - 瓦尔敦的背叛套装:将皮尔斯奖金减少到14-36
Relic - Gluttony:增加20%活力衰减伤害
遗物 - 死亡率:增加40%活力朽烂伤害
Relic - Torment:增加43%活力朽烂伤害
组件 - 刀片镀层:减少进攻能力22
组件 - 生命装甲:降低进攻能力35

组件 - 刀片密封:增加皮尔斯伤害并减少授予技能造成的泄漏伤害
部件 - 腐蚀印章:授予技能的伤害增加
组件 - 可能的密封:替换%健康与160健康
组件 - 共振密封:用健康状态替换%健康
组件 - Ugdenbog皮革:减少防御能力到22
组件 - Unholy铭文:增加了15%的活力朽烂伤害




Sear Souls:增加%伤害改良剂至-15%,加上-10%的攻击伤害转化为健康损失


Update v1.0.2.1:
To prevent quest progress issues which have been occuring for some users with out of date translation files, this patch resets the in-game language for all users to English. As soon as updated language files are posted by the community translators they will once again be available for download via the in game menu.

Stash user interface has been modified to be more clear.
Fixed Skeleton spawn number tracking for clients in multiplayer games.
Reap Spirit will now correctly spawn one pet at all ranks with the tooltip adjusted accordingly.
Fixed Drain Essence not having a line of sight check on main target.
Fixed a bug where the conversation window created graphical artifacts when color blind modes are enabled.
Fixed a bug where some in game text was missing, which in some instances could cause a crash.
Fixed an occasional crash when loading game resources.
Fixed a bug where target outlines would be rendered incorrectly for some objects.
Fixed a bug where fullscreen gamma had no effect in the DirectX11 renderer.
Fixed an issue where grass lighting was incorrect on "High" lighting setting.
Fixed a bug where community translations of expansion files would fail to override base game text.
Fixed a crash which could prevent DirectX 11 mode from starting.

[Mod Tools]
Asset Manager will now add additional build and source directories to Import Record, allowing modders to import expansion files. If using default paths, Additional Source Directories should be set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\gdx1\ and Additional Browse Directories to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\gdx1\

Adjusted spawns for the Steelcap District Riftgate encounter
Fixed broken icon for the Revenge for the Fallen achievement
Increased drop rate of Order of Death's Vigil and Kymon's Chosen Monster Infrequent accessories to match drop rates of similar items from other enemies
Fixed the People of Malmouth bounty Bounty: Sanctuary being impossible to turn in
Fixed Embrace New Foes achievement being unobtainable. Unfortunately this fix is not retroactive.
Fixed an issue with Bounty: Chillpincer and Bounty: Vagarroth not spawning their respective targets. Both of these bounties should reset for any players currently on them.

Magic-quality Suffixes with % Damage bonuses now boost both the flat damage and the dot equivalent (ex. a Suffix that previously increased % Fire damage now also increases % Burn damage). Magic Suffixes that boost only % dot damage can no longer drop.
Fixed base damage on the Ascendant Source (MI) to match its base % Damage bonuses
Fixed unusually low damage on Warden's Bulwark and Warden's Fortress at levels 82+
Fixed 3-Piece Set Bonus on The Runebinder Set to be 6% Offensive Ability instead of 6 Defensive Ability
Fixed Mythical Aetherreach granting -6% Energy Cost to Aether Ray instead of a flat -6
Fixed an issue with several Mythical Epic items not having more powerful skill procs/granted skills than their Default/Empowered versions
Epic - Luminari Regalia Set: swapped 8% Attack Speed and +2 to Inquisitor Skills set bonuses
Epic - Dreadwalker Set: swapped 8% Health and +2 to Necromancer Skills set bonuses
Legendary - Anderos' Amplifier: replaced +1 to Demolitionist Skills with +1 to Inquisitor Skills, reduced bonus to Artifact Handling to +2, increased bonus to Mortar Trap to +3
Legendary - Arcanum Sigillis: added +1 to Inquisitor Skills
Legendary - Deathbound Amethyst: corrected proc type to match the base game, it was accidentally reverted in Ashes of Malmouth
Legendary - Mythical Anderos' Amplifier: replaced +1 to Demolitionist Skills with +1 to Inquisitor Skills, reduced bonus to Artifact Handling to +2, reduced bonus to Rune of Kalastor to +1, increased bonus to Mortar Trap to +3, removed 4% Cooldown Reduction
Legendary - Mythical Arcanum Sigillis: added +1 to Inquisitor Skills
Legendary - Mythical Havoc: added +1 to Inquisitor Skills, reduced bonus to Deadly Aim to +2
Legendary - Mythical Valdun's Hat: increased Pierce damage on Granted Skill to 34-40
Legendary - Mythical Valdun's Jacket: added flat Pierce damage to Granted Skill, removed flat Pierce damage bonus from item
Legendary - Mythical Valdun's Rifle: increased Pierce damage
Legendary - Runebinder's Spellthrower: updated granted skill to function similarly to Savagery
Legendary - Valdun's Hat: increased Pierce damage on Granted Skill to 28-33
Legendary - Valdun's Jacket: added flat Pierce damage to Granted Skill, removed flat Pierce damage bonus from item
Legendary - Valdun's Rifle: increased Pierce damage
Legendary - Valdun's Betrayal Set: reduced Pierce bonus to 14-48
Legendary - Valdun's Treachery Set: reduced Pierce bonus to 14-36
Relic - Gluttony: added 20% Vitality Decay damage
Relic - Mortality: added 40% Vitality Decay damage
Relic - Torment: added 43% Vitality Decay damage
Component - Bladed Plating: reduced Offensive Ability to 22
Component - Living Armor: reduced Offensive Ability to 35
Component - Seal of Blades: increased Pierce damage and reduced Bleed damage on Granted Skill
Component - Seal of Corruption: increased damage on Granted Skill
Component - Seal of Might: replaced % Health with 160 Health
Component - Seal of Resonance: replaced % Health with 160 Health
Component - Ugdenbog Leather: reduced Defensve Ability to 22
Component - Unholy Inscription: added 15% Vitality Decay damage

[Class & Skills]
Drain Essence can now be assigned to Tainted Eruption and Rumor
Reap Spirit can now be assigned to Hand of Ultos and Rumor
On Block Celestial Powers can now be assigned to the Arcanist Mastery's Arcane Will, Soldier Mastery's Fighting Spirit and Menhir's Will, and Inquisitor's Deadly Aim. Any assigned powers will have a chance to trigger while the respective buff is active.

Fixed an issue with the Thorned Horror not casting its Emboldening Presence

Ranged Expertise: reduced Pierce damage scaling with rank to 28 by rank 10, 75 by max ultimate rank

Siphon Souls: increased % Attack Damage Converted to Health to 24%
Sear Souls: increased % Damage Modifier penalty to -15%, added -10% Attack Damage Converted to Health penalty
Raise Skeleton: updated the way skeletons scale with their equipped weapons. Previously, their weapons represented a sizeable portion of their damage, which made the skill tooltip misleading for their actual damage and made their damage (particularly for archers) scale a bit too well in the early levels. We adjusted them so that the weapons now represent a negligible bonus and their damage is more predictable, their base damage has been scaled up with rank to compensate. In addition, Skeletons will no longer sometimes do partial Pierce damage due to having Pierce ratio sometimes appearing on their weapons. This has no impact on Skeletons benefiting from flat damage bonuses such as an auras. As this is a pretty dramatic change to the way their damage scales, we will continue to playtest and monitor this skill and may make further changes in the future to make sure their tuning is appropriate.
Updated aggression of ranged Skeleton summons to behave more like their melee counterparts


《恐怖黎明》v1.0.6.1-v1.1.9.1十五项修改器INVICTUS版恐怖黎明 v1.1.6.1十一项修改器MrAntiFun版恐怖黎明 v1.1.5.2免DVD补丁PLAZA版恐怖黎明 v1.1.4.1升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版恐怖黎明 v1.1.4.1升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版