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秋后的季节 Build25913升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

秋后的季节 Build25913升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版
更新时间:2016-09-11 17:58







*** FOR 25913 ***变化


- 理解:更好的显示符号激活在“美人草”解决与萤火虫的难题,还是“坑”

- 理解:更好地展现周围展开旅行时丝带。相机将改变缩小和移动更好的路径上,以更好地让你猜,其中色带所在

- 理解:小提示,帮助本地化旅游带(小颗粒从树上掉下来)

- 理解:添加一个非常微妙的暗示了鸟成就

- 选择:新的滑块在音频部分的选择!现在,你可以调整“音乐”,“语音”和“SFX”分开


- 控制:本赛季选择用右摇杆应该是不太敏感的(有时甚至是选择错季)

- 视觉:在水面(在“水坑”和“坑”或起始区),更好的视觉。我们不使用纹理表面,这些,只是反映了周围

- 块:履带能够打破易碎的水平,但行李箱中缺少“范围”龙头回来随着夏季的片段,当你被卡住种子松树。不是松树种子将阻止的进展。如果你有问题的游戏会自动修复。

- 块:第四宝离开后,在“茧”区域游戏已经给你创造一个过场不会再回到比赛的时候,导致了块起到了阻塞情况。如果你有问题的游戏会自动修复。

- 块:退出游戏“泥潭”区域,而当您返回到游戏中的水母是针对一个水坑会导致块,因为水坑将永远不会被激活。如果你有问题的游戏会自动修复。

- 潜在块了:“雨树”并不总是与他们所属的水面正确同步。导致雨树总是拒绝水,或者被卡住永远在它上面的玩家(因为狐狸采取具体卡住动画)

- 潜在块:是拥有可以停留在一个动画由风量正在实施后履带

- 表现:很多小记性不好处理了导致游戏在某些地区的一些打嗝(肯定的“范围”)

- 表演:提高动画操纵的对象演出(更多的优化进来即将成为释放),以避免对区域的低帧率有很多舞弊的自用物品

- 级设计:在“坑”添加一个蘑菇,这将有助于与弹簧片段回去当你有一个更好的流动性

- 动画:避免履带松停留太长的一个给定的冲刺状态,以防止它被卡在空中(仍处于试验阶段修复)

- 动画:被雪球击中后水平易碎树干不即时反应

- 选择:在学分失踪人员

- 选项:控制器质地太亮,一帧是出现在游戏菜单

- 选项:自动应用视频设置退出菜单时(避免涂使用应用出现时,换做,但有巴验证进入)


*** CHANGES FOR 25913 ***


- comprehension: better showing the symbol activation when solving the puzzle with the fireflies in the "Foliage" or "Pit"

- comprehension: better show the surrounding when unrolling a travel ribbon. The camera will change the zoom out and move on a better path to better let you guess where the ribbon is located

- comprehension: little hint to help localize travel ribbon (small particles falling down from it)

- comprehension: add a very subtle hint for the bird achievement 

- options: new sliders in options for the Audio part! Now you can tweak "Music", "Voice" and "Sfx" separately

* FIX *

- controls: the season selection with the right stick should be less sensitive (was sometimes even selecting the wrong season) 

- visual: better visual on water surfaces (in "Puddle" or "Pit" or the starting region). These surface we not using textures, just reflecting the surrounding

- block: a crawler was able to break a horizontal breakable trunk but missing to seed a pine in "Ranges" leading you being stuck when coming back with the summer fragment. The pine not being seeded will block the progression. The game will auto fix if you had the issue.

- block: exiting the game in "Cocoon" region after the 4th treasure have been given to you will create a blocking situation where the cutscene will not be played again when returning to the game, leading to a block. The game will auto fix if you had the issue.

- block: exiting the game in "Quagmire" region while a jellyfish was targeting a puddle will lead to a block since the puddle will never be activated when you return to the game. The game will auto fix if you had the issue.

- potential block: the "rain tree" were not always synchronised correctly with the water surface they belong to. Leading to a rain tree always rejecting water, or the player being stuck forever on top of it (since the fox adopt a specific stuck animation)

- potential block: the crawler that flies could be stuck in an animation after being carried by a wind flow

- performances: a lot of small bad memory handling was leading the game to have some hiccup in some region ("Ranges" for sure)

- performances: improve performances on animated rigged objects (more optimisation to come in futur release) to avoid low framerate on region with a lot of rigged objets

- level design: add a mushroom in "Pit" that will help you have a better flow when going back with the spring fragment

- animation: avoid a crawler pine to stay too long a a given dash state to prevent it from being stuck in the air (still experimental fix)

- animation: horizontal breakable trunk not instant reacting after being hit by a snow ball

- options: missing persons in credits

- options: controller texture was too bright, and a frame was appearing in the in game menu

- options: auto apply video settings when exiting the menu (avoid tu use the Apply entry that appears when a change is done but has to ba validated)

by BAT

秋后的季节 Build25913升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞