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王国风云2 v2.6.1.1升级档+免DVD补丁SKIDROW版

王国风云2 v2.6.1.1升级档+免DVD补丁SKIDROW版
更新时间:2016-08-31 09:30







开发日记 - 修复补丁2.6.1.1 [SKBW]
8月30日 - BJORNB

问候!如果你正在读这篇文章,你生存了[S]发生[/ s]的推出死神的交付的。也许你现在觉得希望的搅拌;可以重建社会?但是,没有,该DLC是太恶毒,太离谱蔓延,现在是地方性的CK2而不能治愈,是没有希望的。


# Bug修复

- 从基本的游戏修正歌曲情境的歌曲被禁用

- 如果上下文歌没有找到要播放的歌曲,一首歌曲现在将通过忽略上下文点歌系统选择

- 修正后的孩子长大成人,当你没有秘密会议没有得到他们的教育特质

- 不能再盟友调入战争反对自己的君主

- 您现在可以通过杀死哈里发获得成就“教皇麻车”,被描述为暗示

- 当你有一个非严重的症状流行病不再拖延,如果你被感染

- 在“欲望母系婚姻”AI修改不再发生在母系婚姻被禁用

- 马医生得到好一点

- 无能的人们不再偷你的菜隐居

- 字符不会在政治迫害指责他们的君主,因为他们必须批准他们

- 蕃将不再拒绝他们的君主的​​结婚或订婚提供了获得“更好的联盟”

- 不再你会得到不高兴你的配偶/父母的坟墓被抢劫,如果你是强盗

- 删除的可能性来搜索性能的原因部分标题

- 太监只能选择一个新郎继承人的野心,如果他们有一个活生生的孩子

- 修正了当一个基督教圣阶建立了一个新城堡的几起案件,您将得到通知贝特德扬建,而不是实际的城堡

- 法院医生现在总是要钱自己的君主。

- 通用轮回事件需要你的继承人是你的孩子

- 增加了一些更多的AI,当宗教的负责人要归咎于犹太人当瘟疫流行的因素

- 修正了轮回事件一些破碎的文字

- 由事件产生的3021现在的牧师有教育

- 杀人犯现在免疫修剪(防止红色头骨来自领先无处)

- 谁是标记为玩家特别感兴趣,或免疫修剪字符不再由法院洗面奶打死

- 修正了问题,与囚犯能够抱怨他们的君主,该校长在他的妻子看不恰当

- 增加了赛义德的性状·哈迪(ID 188648),曼苏尔的儿子

- 修复崩溃发生在使用自定义地图的一些器官功能障碍综合征。

- 修正了一个问题是,你会被通知吃自己的亲密王朝成员

- 修正了867萨米设置

- 事件WoL.6120将现在只能触发成人字

- 进一步降低,16岁以下患癌症的几率

- 统治者,现在愿意谈判互不侵犯条约与他们的附庸

- 修正了使异教徒惩罚得当订婚/结婚

- 改装成游戏规则,现在应该正确加载。

- 固定的,所以叫盟友警报不再显示,如果它是对你的盟友的君主一战

- 使用自定义地图时,修正了崩溃

在此之后,我们将努力在2.6.2补丁这将,以及一般的固定,增加一些活动和内容,我们想出太晚释放做或已经提出就这个问题和其他论坛发布-release -and关于这一点,请大家继续提出新的游戏规则。但是2.6.2细节是未来的DD,那就是现在!


Dev Diary - Hotfix Patch [SKBW]
8月30日    - BJORNB

Greetings! If you are reading this you have survived the [S]outbreak[/s] launch of The Reaper’s Due. Perhaps you now feel a stirring of hope; can society rebuild? But no, the DLC was too virulent and has spread too far, it is now endemic to CK2 and cannot be cured, there is no hope. 

Certain death aside, we are very happy with the reception of Reaper’s Due and the reactions it’s getting. We have had a few problems, but our Code Physicians have been working hard on a cure and if all goes well we’ll be releasing a hotfix today. It’ll cover the education bug non-Conclave owners have, the lack of music when the Context sensitive option is used, and various other things: The Reaper's Due

# Bugfixes

- Fixes songs from the base game being disabled in contextual songs

- If the contextual song doesn't find a song to play, a song will now be chosen by ignoring the contextual song system

- Fixed children not getting their education trait upon becoming adults when you don't have Conclave

- Can no longer call ally into war against their own liege

- You can now get the achievement 'Papal Mache' by killing a Caliph, as implied by the description

- Epidemic diseases no longer stall if you are infected while you have a non-serious symptom

- The "desires a matrilineal marriage" AI modifier no longer happens when matrilineal marriages are disabled

- Horse doctors got a little better

- Incapable people no longer steal your food in seclusion

- characters will not accuse their liege during witch hunts since they have to approve them

- Vassals will no longer refuse their liege's marriage or betrothal offers to get a "better alliance"

- No longer will you get upset about your spouse/parent's grave getting robbed if you were the robber

- Removed the possibility to search for partial titles for performance reasons

- Eunuchs may only select the Groom an Heir ambition if they have a living child

- Fixed several cases of when a Christian Holy Order built a new castle, you would be notified that Beit Dejan was built, instead of the actual castle

- Court physicians now always ask their own liege for money.

- Generic reincarnation event requires your heir to be your child

- Added some more ai factors for when head of religion wants to blame Jews for the plague

- Fixed some broken text in reincarnation event

- The priest generated by event 3021 now has an education

- Murderers are now immune to prune (prevents the red skull from leading nowhere)

- Characters who are marked as special interest by the player, or immune to pruning are no longer killed by the court cleanser

- Fixed in issue with prisoners being able to complain to their liege that the chancellor was looking inappropriately at his wife

- Added the sayyid trait to al-Hadi (id 188648), son of Al-Mansur

- Crash fix that occurred in some mods using custom maps.

- Fixed an issue were you would be notified of eating your own close dynasty members

- Fixed 867 Sápmi setup

- Event WoL.6120 will now only trigger for adult characters

- Further reduced odds of under 16s getting cancer

- Rulers are now willing to negotiate non-aggression pacts with their vassals

- Fixed so infidel penalty is applied properly  for betrothal/marriage

- Modded game rules should now be loaded properly.

- Fixed so call ally alert no longer shows if it's a war against your ally's liege

- Fixed a crash when using custom maps

After this, we’ll be working on the 2.6.2 patch which will, as well as general fixing, add some more events and content we thought up too late to do for the release or that have been suggested on this and other forums post-release -and on that note, please continue to suggest new Game Rules. But 2.6.2 details are for future DDs, that’s all for now!


王国风云2 v3.3.0升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版王国风云2 v3.3.0升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版王国风云2 v2019.10.15十六项修改器MrAntiFun版王国风云2 v2019.08.23十三项修改器MrAntiFun版王国风云2 v3.2.0升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞