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赛车计划 v6.0升级档+8DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)

赛车计划 v6.0升级档+8DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)
更新时间:2015-11-13 10:08





Project CARS - Limited Edition Upgrade
Project CARS - Modified Car Pack
Project CARS - Racing Icons Car Pack
Project CARS - Audi Ruapuna Speedway Expansion Pack
Project CARS - Old Vs New Car Pack
Project CARS - Aston Martin Track Expansion
Project CARS - Logitech Liveries
Project CARS - Japanese Car Pack



*新 - 主机踢的功能。的在线游戏主机现在可以选择立即踢来自服务器的玩家。踢的球员将被自动踢出,如果他们试图重新加入同一多人会话。
*新 - 强制进站选项。大堂管理员可以选择在任何比赛中迫使一个进站。
*新 - 选项按时间(也可在快速竞赛)中设置比赛的长度。
*新 - “允许幻影车'选项增加,使大堂管理员可以决定是否要车重影或没有时,他们开车走错了路。
*新 - 动态种族结束定时器功能。在公开比赛,计时器是最慢动车的单圈时间的50%。在私人比赛,计时器是最慢动车的单圈时间的75%。

*同时安装一个DLC DLC获得职业合同的电子邮件,将不再显示,如果DLC,然后卸载。
*如果玩家的目前的合同是一个DLC合同,球员卸载这个DLC,进入控制面板的时候,他们将不得不选择从有效合同提供继续使用此DLC的合同将完成对球员的职业生涯赛季(或重新安装卸载DLC )。
*修正了一个改装车包和限量版DLC Invitationals和荣誉是对谁不拥有这些DLC包的玩家可见。进入这些邀请赛将导致玩家和AI处于不匹配的车辆。

*新增Thrustmaster T150支持。

*佐尔德尔 - 修正了一个潜在的“地雷”的问题。
*勒芒 - 调整了第55届车库当场纠正一个问题,即汽车将打在坑壁上离开这个地方。
*多宁顿 - 所有布局 - 修正了一个汽车将退出一些车库时,使与左侧壁接触。
*路美 - 赛前相机调整以防止相机与地面剪辑。
* Ruapuna园 - 所有布局 - 修正了过去的车库当场被外界小区车库的一个问题。
*莫哈韦 - 所有布局 - 修正了一个浮动轮胎撬痕,雨是可见无论在隧道内固定的问题,并置于明显障碍,球员是不允许开车的地区。

*宾利欧陆GT3 - 固定DLC制服挡风玻璃横幅。
*鲁夫CTR3短信-R - 增加缺省的轮胎气压,以更好地与轮胎加热器工作。
*丰田GT86火箭兔子 - 修正了一个与挡风玻璃旗帜。

* AI - 改进的意识和前瞻,以帮助在多级比赛的情况,其中AI在速度快的汽车将无法避免慢很多汽车玩家和AI。
*轮胎更新 - 在几个轮胎固定的问题,以防止FFB嗡嗡声时,胎面成为胎体供热固定在GT3,C组,反式AM /穿很薄,重新标定大多数轮胎时,轮胎充气不足,调整磨损率GTO,DTM和LMP橡胶。

*车辆选择 - 制造商的页面现在订单图标按字母顺序排列。
*小更新职业控制板 - 赛车及DN资料按钮现在瓷砖与其他标签一致,收件箱是目前全屏幕的高亮显示邮件更清晰的指示,和初始接受合同要约的屏幕,现在已经改善布局和签名按钮更清晰的指示。
*改进的赛环幕 - 更均衡的背景图片,在右上角的删除梯度。


* HUD移动速度正在减少,我们增加了控制缓慢规模控制。移动速度现在也可以加速,如果你按住一个键,限制为最大10倍的速度。


该HUD的调整,现在运行在两种模式之一 - 运动和旋转/缩放。 NUM-垫这些模式之间切换0。

7 9:上下移动缓慢
+ - :来回移动

+ - :缩放HUD越做越小

* HUD(HUDSettings)
仅供参考 - 旋转部分是四元,如果有人想尝试,它的意义(该名称是直观的,offsetX offsetY,offsetZ,缩放和旋转[WXYZ])。
*全屏 - 设置全屏幕镜像模式。默认为“真”。设置为“假”以禁用全屏幕镜像模式。
* HideCrowds - 用来隐藏人群(性能提高)。默认为“真”。设置为“假”来重新启用的人群。
* LimitCars - 没有使用过,未来除



* NEW – Host kick function. The host of an online game can now select to immediately kick a player from the server. Kicked players will be auto-kicked if they attempt to rejoin the same multiplayer session.
* NEW – Mandatory pit stop option. The Lobby admin can opt to force a single pitstop during any race.
* NEW – Option to set race length by time (also available in Quick Race).
* NEW – ‘Allow Ghosted Vehicles’ option added so that the lobby admin can decide if he wants vehicles ghosted or not when they drive the wrong way.
* NEW – Dynamic race-end timer feature. In public races, the timer is 50% of the slowest moving car's lap time. In private races, the timer is 75% of slowest moving car's lap time.
* Fixed an exploit where a player could be awarded a win by jumping the start.
* Fixed an issue where, if the host is forcing realistic driving assists, the player wasn’t able to toggle the allowed assists on or off while in-race.
* Fixed a game crash issue if the client is kicked while typing in the chat box.
* Fixed an issue where, if Forced Default Setup is used, the pit crew would not change tyres until they’re completely worn. The tyres will now be changed when at least one tyre is worn down by 25% or more.

* Fixed a bug where drivers in a simulated series can all end up with ‘INVALID NAME!’
* Fixed a bug where AI opponents would attempt to use DLC cars that are not installed.
* The player will no longer be offered a contract renewal for a DLC contract, if they've since uninstalled that DLC.
* DLC Career contract emails earned while a DLC was installed, are no longer shown if DLC is then uninstalled.
* If the player’s current contract is a DLC contract and the player uninstalls this DLC, the career season using this DLC contract will finish for the player when entering Dashboard and they will have to pick from valid contract offers to continue (or reinstall the uninstalled DLC).
* Fixed an issue where the Modified Cars Pack and Limited Edition DLC Invitationals and Accolades were visible for players who do not own these DLC packs. Entering these invitational events would cause the player and AI to be in non-matching vehicles.
* Fixed an issue where at times the pit crew wouldn’t change the tyre set to the one selected in pit-strategy.

* Fixed an issue where remapping KERS would stop it working.
* Fixed an issue where changes made to Gamepad Advanced Options were not saved.
* Added Thrustmaster T150 support.

* Zolder – fixed a potential ‘landmine’ issue.
* Le Mans – adjusted the 55th garage spot to correct an issue where the cars would hit the pit wall on exiting this spot.
* Donington – all layouts – fixed an issue where cars would make contact with the left side wall when exiting some garages.
* Road America – pre-race camera tweaked to prevent the camera from clipping with the ground.
* Ruapuna Park – all layouts – fixed an issue with the last garage spot being outside garage area.
* Mojave – all layouts – fixed an issue with floating tyre skid marks, fixed an issue with rain being visible inside tunnels, and placed visible barriers in areas where the player is not allowed to drive.

* Bentley Continental GT3 – fixed DLC livery windscreen banners.
* Ruf CTR3 SMS-R – increased default tire pressure to work better with tire warmers.
* Toyota GT86 Rocket Bunny – fixed an issue with the windscreen banner.

Physics & AI
* AI – improved awareness and look-ahead to help with situations in multi-class races, where AI in a fast car would fail to avoid the player and AI in much slower cars.
* Tyre updates – fixed an issue on several tyres to prevent FFB buzz when tread becomes worn very thin, re-calibrated most tyres for a carcass heating fix when the tyres are underinflated, adjusted wear rates on GT3, Group C, Trans-Am/GTO, DTM, and LMP rubber.
* Implemented support to remove detached wheels from the track after a certain amount of time.

* Vehicle selection – manufacturer page now orders icons alphabetically.
* Improved the French translations for some of the items in the vehicle setup screens.
* Minor updates to Career Dashboard – motorsports & DN Profile buttons are now tiles consistent with other tabs, Inbox is now full screen with clearer indication of highlighted mail, and initial Accept Contract Offer screen now has improved layout and clearer indication of signature button.
* Improved Race Central screen – better balanced background image, removed gradient in top-right corner.
* Track layout map images are now displayed on the quick track selection screens.
* Fixed an issue where ‘Invert Camera Y Axis’ text was being displayed as ‘Automatic Clutch’.
* Updated the Xbox One controller image to the new Elite Controller.
* Fixed an issue where the UI stops responding on ghost selection when player enters the My Garage option.

* Fixed an issue during pit stops where the pit crew mistakes ratio was too high.
* Driver name tags above cars can now be turned on for replays.
* Entering the pits during a Time Trial will now invalidate that lap’s time.
* Improved Helmet view exposure for historic drivers.

Oculus Rift
This update is primarily to improve the HUD position/rotation/scaling editor and the custom VR settings system.
* All movement and rotation is now relative to the HUD’s local axis instead of world axis.
* The HUD controls are now all located on the numeric keypad. Toggling between position and rotation modes are done by pressing the NUM-0 key.
* HUD movement speeds are now reduced and we added controls for slow scale control. The movement speed will now also accelerate if you press and hold a key, limited to maximum 10x speed.
* The movement amount per click of the HUD editing controls for placement and rotation are now scaled when you scale the HUD size up or down. This helps a lot as it gives much finer controls when positioning/rotating while the HUD is scaled down.
* Changes to the HUD position/rotation/scale will now only be saved when you confirm to save the edited HUD settings; otherwise it restores the previous settings.

New and improved Oculus HUD movement keys layout

The HUD adjustment now runs in one of two modes - movement and rotation / scale. Num-Pad 0 toggles between these modes.

In movement mode the controls are as follows (numpad)
4 & 6: move left and right
1 & 3: move left and right slowly
8 & 2: move up and down
7 & 9: move up and down slowly
+ & -: move back and forth
/ & *: move back and forth slowly
5: resets position to the default

In rotation / scale mode the controls are as follows (numpad)
4 & 6: rotate left and right
8 & 2: rotate up and down
1 & 3: rotate anti-clockwise / clockwise
+ & -: scale the HUD bigger and smaller
/ & *: scale the HUD bigger and smaller slowly
5: resets rotation and scale to the default

Custom VR settings system
This file is located in your ‘My Documents\Project CARS’ folder, and is called ‘oculussettings.xml’
There are entries to control the position, rotation and scale for each of the following:
* HUD (HUDSettings)
* Main Menus (FrontEndSettings)
* In-game Menus (InGameSettings)
The format for each is identical and the data can be copied between them. While we currently only allow you to edit the HUD in-game using the system documented above, you can freely copy the saved values to the entries for the front-end and in-game menus settings, and these will then also appear at the repositioned placement/rotation/scale settings.
FYI – the rotation part is a quaternion, if anyone wants to try and make sense of it (the names are intuitive, offsetX offsetY, offsetZ, scale, and rotation[WXYZ]).
The other 3 entries are:
* FullScreen – sets the full screen mirror mode. Default is ‘true’. Set to ‘false’ to disable full screen mirror mode.
* HideCrowds – used to hide crowds (performance gain). Default is ‘true’. Set to ‘false’ to enable crowds again.
* LimitCars – not yet used, future addition

by thegfw

赛车计划 v11.0-v11.2升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 v11.0-v11.1升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 v10.0-v11.0升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 年度版单独免DVD补丁RELOADED版赛车计划 v8.0两项修改器MrAntiFun版
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