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NBA 2K16 3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

NBA 2K16 3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
更新时间:2015-11-03 11:11






4.3 GB的补丁更新日志

- 添加了对自定义的键盘配置。

- 优化改进,增加在所有配置的性能。

- 解决了一个问题,即有些用户会注意到解说切割出游戏中。

- 已解决帧率的游戏/季度之间开始适度口吃到高端系统。

- 解决了一个问题,即有些用户会看到一个黑色的屏幕在编辑体育场和编辑统一菜单时,“特殊效果”被关闭。

- 新的视频设置选项“的媒体人详细程度”补充;减少,这将有助于在低端和中档显卡的性能。

- 使用非的Xbox 360控制器时修正缺失/不正确的播放器的图标。

- 修正了一个罕见挂试图快进2KTV时可能发生。

- 修正了在DirectX 10.0和DirectX 10.1显卡罕见的驱动程序崩溃。

- 帮助文本添加到视频设置菜单。

- 其他细节设置现在可用于着色器详细的视频设置菜单。

- 修正了超级采样不是当信箱(以前称为长宽比校正)被禁用工作。

- 修改时,以下视频设置选项现在应该提供预期的结果:色彩校正,景深,屏幕空间环境光遮蔽,布鲁姆和体积的影响。

- 解决了一个罕见的情况下,比赛将进入/在你的MyPLAYER自定义的纹身时退出纹身编辑器时挂起。

- 在主菜单中,其中的标题将进行到选定操作(例如加载MYCAREER节省)之前冻结的一段时间上解决的问题。

- 玩家将不再滑动/滑板在入站的状态按方块按钮时。这很有趣,而它持续。

- 调整了人群兴奋和强度上进行蜂鸣器打手。

- 解决在某些播放器(如Kristaps Porzingis)将在相机变焦非常接近在重播的时候有自己的发型略有变化的情况。


- 职业 - 业余团队打法已经被加入到游戏中!现在,您可以扮演一个完整的团队在您定制的舞台。

- 解决了一些禁止用户在Pro-Am的跑龙套的游戏玩配对问题。

- 从内部MYCAREER进入MyPARK /职业 - 业余配对时,修正了您的播放器有时会出现与高度不正确的问题(如果你有一个以上的MYCAREER保存文件)。

- 修正了一个罕见的情况下,球会粘在高辊法院,从而防止游戏缔结。

- 在这两个MyPARK和2K职业 - 业余改进语音聊天的支持。

- 改善了在MyPARK滑板的动画。如果没有这一点,得到它。可以法院比那些上英尺更快之间移动!

- 2K击败现在将继续在MyPARK完成一场比赛后玩。


- 修正了一个问题,即一些用户无法参加朋友的MyCOURTs。

- 修正了一个问题,即主机用户无法发送离开MyPARK /职业 - 业余配对与一队后MyCOURT邀请。

- 解决了一些问题与荣誉不解锁的内MYCAREER适当的时候。

- 按后退按钮将不再导致游戏从MYCAREER下一个菜单,从季后赛被淘汰后挂断。


- 大量的优化和增强代码,提高模拟的玩家资料。

- 场季后赛(在一个系列)不再能在MyLEAGUE网上发挥出了秩序。

- 发现并修复的情况下访问某些子菜单,没有主教练会导致游戏挂起。

- 拆迁/更名队的球迷将不再持有迹象引用了球队的前一个身份。

- 修正了一个罕见的挂起,当股票引用,所有的球队中的球员,至今已成交之前的比赛结果可能会发生。

- 选择要加载的类定义草案将不再引起MyGM休赛期游戏挂机,如果你以前曾同在休赛期被解雇。



4.3 gb patch changelog

- Support added for custom keyboard configurations.

- Optimization improvements that increase performance across all configurations.

- Addressed an issue where some users would notice commentary cutting out during gameplay.

- Resolved frame rate stuttering at start of games/between quarters on moderate to high-end systems.

- Addressed an issue where some users would see a black screen in the Edit Arena and Edit Uniform menus when ‘Special Effects’ was turned off.

- New Video Settings option ‘Media People Detail Level’ added; reducing this will help performance on low-end and mid-range graphics cards.

- Corrected missing/incorrect player icons when using a non-Xbox 360 controller.

- Fixed a rare hang that could occur when attempting to fast-forward 2KTV.

- Fixed a rare driver crash on DirectX 10.0 and DirectX 10.1 graphics cards.

- Help text added to Video Settings menu.

- Additional detail setting now available for Shader Detail in the Video Settings menu.

- Fixed super sampling not working when Letterbox (formerly called Aspect Ratio Correction) was disabled.

- The following Video Settings options should now provide the expected results when modified: Color Correction, Depth of Field, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, Bloom, and Volumetric Effects.

- Resolved a rare case where the game would hang when entering/exiting the Tattoo editor when customizing the tattoos on your MyPLAYER.

- Addressed an issue on the main menu where the title would freeze for a period of time before proceeding to the selected action (e.g. loading a MyCAREER save).

- Players will no longer slide/skate when pressing the block button during an inbound state. It was funny while it lasted.

- Tuned crowd excitement and intensity on made buzzer beaters.

- Resolved a case where certain players (e.g. Kristaps Porzingis) would have their hairstyle change slightly when zooming in the camera very close in replay.


- Pro-Am Team Play has been added to the game! You can now play as a full team in your custom-built arenas.

- Addressed a number of matchmaking issues that inhibited users from playing in Pro-Am Walk-On games.

- Fixed an issue where your player would sometimes appear with the incorrect height (if you had more than one MyCAREER save file) when entering MyPARK/Pro-Am from within MyCAREER.

- Fixed a rare case where the ball would get stuck in the High Roller courts, thus preventing a game from concluding.

- Improved voice chat support in both MyPARK and 2K Pro-Am.

- Improved the animation of the skateboard in MyPARK. If you don’t have this, get it. You can move between courts faster than those that are on-foot!

- 2K Beats will now continue to play after finishing a game in MyPARK.


- Fixed an issue where some users were unable to join their friends’ MyCOURTs.

- Fixed an issue where the host user was unable to send MyCOURT invites after leaving MyPARK/Pro-Am with a squad.

- Addressed a number of issues with Accolades not unlocking at the appropriate time within MyCAREER.

- Pressing the back button will no longer cause the game to hang from the MyCAREER NEXT menu after being eliminated from the playoffs.


- Numerous tuning and code enhancements to improve simulated player stats.

- Playoff games (within a series) can no longer be played out of order in MyLEAGUE Online. 

- Found and fixed a case where visiting certain submenus with no head coach would cause the game to hang.

- Fans of relocated/rebranded teams will no longer hold up signs referencing the previous identity of the team.

- Fixed a rare hang that could occur when the ticker referenced a previous game result where all of the players on the team have since been traded.

- Selecting to load a custom draft class will no longer cause a game hang in the MyGM offseason if you had previously been fired during that same offseason. 

NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves. 

by thegfw

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