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无主之地:前传 v1.0.7升级档+免DVD补丁RELOADED版

无主之地:前传 v1.0.7升级档+免DVD补丁RELOADED版
更新时间:2015-11-01 09:15



注:需要先安装无主之地:前传 v1.0.6升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁RELOADED版:https://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/41569.html


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Season Pass
Shock Drop Slaughter Pit
Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack: The Holodome Onslaught
Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack
Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
Lady Hammerlock the Baroness Pack



存档位置:我的文档\My Games\Borderlands The Pre-Sequel\WillowGame\SaveData\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX




当某些基本游戏的自定义设置解锁* DLC自定义不应再被解锁。
* X-STLK-23现在可以下降Eridian胜利者类器官功能障碍综合征的幽灵和男爵夫人。
* Moxxi抯玩具箱现在只能打开一次。
*本Fragnum 88抯爆击加成现在将正确应用。
*玩家现在有一个选项,关闭氧气V /Ø警告信息通过暂停菜单在游戏过程中。在PlayStation 3和Xbox 360的客户端的玩家可有改变的选项,以使更改生效后重新启动游戏。
*在V / O表示启动任务换uarantine:?侵扰现在更可靠地接受任务时播放。
* V / O现在发挥,而与该书籍拿起在任务揤音色在顺序是否正确?


*永久热修复来修复Hyperventilator Ozkits显示不正确的比较箭头。


Version 1.0.7 Update


* Support for Logitech ARX Control for smartphones and tablets has been added.
* The game now also supports Logitech LED Illumination.
* Players can now right-click items in the inventory to sell non-favorited items.
* Client players can now join a host抯 game via Steam invitation while set to 搃nvite only?
* Claptrap will no longer drop his buzzaxe when pressing the drop weapon?key.
* The Mission 揜ose Tinting?is now able to be completed after saving and quitting during dialog while killing minions.
* The Boss Nova assault rifle will now correctly appear as blue rarity, rather than green and its stats will receive a slight boost.
* Players will no longer become permanently slowed when exiting a vehicle while under the slowing effect of a Cryovine.
* A notification to inform players that they must agree to the Terms of Service and PP to access SHiFT will now appear prior to displaying them in the main menu.
* DLC customizations should no longer be unlocked when certain base game customizations are unlocked.
* The boss 揈OS?will now have its nameplate display correctly for clients in a multiplayer game.
* Objective waypoints for the side mission 揈G0-TP?will now appear correctly when playing the mission in True Vault Hunter Mode and above.
* The waypoint in the mission follow Your Heart?will now appear correctly when Janey Springs has moved back to Concordia.
* The mission sub-Level 13?will now display the correct level transition waypoint.
* The weapon aim toggle will now work correctly when using Nisha抯 揙ne for Each of Ya?skill.
* Clients will no longer see placeholder graphics when joining into a 3 or 4 player game.
* A New-U station in 揤eins of Helios?now has an appropriately sized 憉se?distance.
* The explosive element of Claptrap抯 elemental subroutine is now capable of setting off a nova when triggered.
* Player inspect menu should now provide accurate data.
* Rocket launchers will no longer spawn with critical hit bonuses. Players with rocket launchers with a critical hit bonus will find that a random bonus has replaced the critical hit bonus. 
* Players will no longer fail the Holodome Onslaught missions and become stuck when getting too close to the New-U station.
* The formerly non-functional New-U station in the map 揗otherlessboard?in the Claptastic Voyage DLC will now function.
* Aurelia抯 揈xcellent Shot, Madam?skill DoT will now do the correct amount of damage.
* X-STLK-23 can now drop Eridian Vanquisher class mods for the Doppelganger and Baroness.
* Frostfire weapon effects will now become inactive when switching to a different weapon.
* Claptrap can now only digistruct one copy of himself when using the skill 揝econd Wind (by Tediore)?
* The platform and travel station to Deck 13 ?from the final boss area will no longer be hidden when the mission 揝ystem Shutdown?is ready to be Turned In.
* Moxxi抯 toy chest can now only be opened once.
* Aurelia抯 揈xcellent Shot, Madam?skill will no longer be triggered when the player is inside a vehicle.
* Inventory cards with long titles will now display the second line of the title in all languages.
* Oz Kits will now show comparison arrows on their item cards if the element types do not match.
* The Fragnum 88抯 critical hit bonus will now be applied correctly.
* Clients playing as Nisha will no longer keep a copy of a dropped pistol in their left hand when using the 揙ne for Each of Ya?skill.
* Players can now receive loyalty rewards for DLC characters.
* Athena players will no longer receive a message and experience when using the 揅lear!?skill on a co-op partner who has already bled out in 揊ight for Your Life?mode.
* Waypoints will no longer be displayed on a disabled level transition in Tycho抯 Ribs.
* Purple rarity rocket launchers will now use the appropriate material.
* The waypoint for the objective 揊ind last colleague?in the mission 揝cience and Violence?will now display correctly after saving and quitting during the mission.
* Nisha抯 left-hand weapon will no longer fire when aiming down the sight.
* Both guns should now always be present when dual wielding as Nisha.
* There will no longer be waypoints on a travel station from Concordia to Crisis Scar before it is accessible.
* The waypoint for the mission 揊ind Pickle?will now display correctly.
* The Bosun will now have higher shield regeneration, particularly in True Vault Hunter Mode.
* Players now have an option to turn off the Oxygen V/O Warning Messages through the pause menu during gameplay. Client players on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 may have to restart the game after changing the option for the change to take effect.
* Moonstones will no longer be refunded to the player after buying a Moxxtail from Moxxi抯 Bar in Concordia and then looting another moonstone drop.
* The V/O for starting the mission 換uarantine: Infestation?will now more reliably play when accepting the mission.
* V/O will now play correctly regardless of the order in which the books are picked up in the mission 揤oice Over?
* The 揹amage resist?effect will now display correctly when playing in non-English languages.
* The 揇ata Scrubber?grenade mod will now use a more appropriate material.
* The 揗eganade?grenade mod will now use a more appropriate material.
* The 揝hield of Ages?will now use a more appropriate material.
* The 揜erouter?shield will now use a more appropriate material.
* Juggernaut Oz Kits will now use a more appropriate material.
* Disrepair and Self-Loathing will no longer get into an infinite teleporting loop.
* Aurelia now has a callout for when her oxygen is low.
* The turrets in the mission 揜ose Tinting?will now spawn at the appropriate time.
* Credits now include composition sections.
* The Fast Travel station at the entrance of Outlands Spur now activates when the player enters the map.
* Aurelia抯 揝ave the Queen?skill now has appropriate status effect damage.
* Various stability improvements.

Permanent Hot-Fixes:

* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix a progression blocker that occurred when saving and quitting before uploading the H-Source during the mission 揝ystem Shutdown?in Deck 13 ?
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix kickoff dialog not playing for "Eradicate!".
* Permanent Hot-Fix to prevent Belly from being killed when Red dies.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix Cult of the Vault Symbol not displaying correctly for clients in Concordia.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix Cult of the Vault Symbols not displaying correctly for clients in Crisis Scar.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to add footstep audio to Janey in Serenity's Waste.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to change collision on some scav components to prevent erratic ragdolling.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to set emitters to replicate on DAHL teleport spawn styles.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent the grinder from becoming non-functional if it is used immediately after closing it.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent the trash compactor from having its kill target changed.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to adjust the location of the socket used by "Compound Interest" on Shuggurath enemies.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent DAHL combat training missions from being marked as plot missions.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to prevent Roland from emoting while running during "Home Sweet Home".
* Permanent Hot-Fix to ensure that mission critical Kraggons spawn during "Lost Legion Invasion".
* Permanent Hot-Fix particle effect optimization.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to fix mission dependency on Lunar Lunching Station fast travel station.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to fix Cult of the Vault symbols not displaying correctly for clients.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent portrait from displaying for Customs Trap when non-ECHO dialog plays.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to ensure "Space Slam"?rocket launcher reward is always available.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to apply performance optimization for a particle used by the Storm Front grenade.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix ECHO log Merciless Killing Machine Part 4 dialog not playing as an ECHO.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix clients not seeing the shipping container after failing "To The Moon".
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix Hyperventilator Ozkits showing incorrect comparison arrows.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to fix Vladof sniper rifles reload sound not being attenuated.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix the UI rotation of the Lawbringer's Chronicler of Elpis class mod.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to fix skill Bottled Courage so that it works correctly with class mods that modify consumption rate.
* Permanent Hot-Fix to prevent Epicenter skill from throwing around boss Kraggons.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent Athena skills from ceasing to function after entering and then exiting a vehicle.
* Permanent Hot-Fixes to prevent client Jacks from being refunded more than 100% of cooldown duration when recalling Expendable Assets.


无主之地年度版 v1.2019二十八项修改器Lingon版无主之地:前传 v2019.04.06十七项修改器MrAntiFun版无主之地:前传 v1.0.7升级档+6DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)无主之地:前传 v1.06单独免DVD补丁RELOADED版无主之地:前传 v1.0.6升级档+6DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞