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赛车计划 v5.0升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁RELOADED版

赛车计划 v5.0升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁RELOADED版
更新时间:2015-10-10 10:24






- Scion FR-S
- Scion FR-S Rocket Bunny Edition
- Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX FQ360
- Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI TME
- Toyota 86
- Toyota GT-86
- Toyota GT-86 Rocket Bunny GT Edition
- Toyota TS040 Hybrid



*强制固定(默认)设置 - 固定的情况下,使这将仍然允许玩家使用自定义设置。启用还是使用固定设置时可以使用的球员的定制控制器的设置。
*莫哈韦布局 - 修正了一个问题,即,如果主机被取消资格,它会强制结束了,比赛的每一个人。



*罗技G29 / G920 - 更新默认控制器映射集的布局是车轮之间和跨平台的一致性。
*罗技G920 - 修正了一个与换档映射。

*纽博格林大奖赛,冲刺,冲刺短 - 修正了一个导致汽车蚀第一坑点问题的问题。
*北环 - 修正了在坑车道行驶时汽车卡住对坑壁的问题。
*纽伯格林冲刺短 - 在NGK急弯固定切割轨迹的问题。
*巴塞罗那大奖赛 - 在进入维修站通道的固定切割轨迹的问题时。
*沃特金斯格伦 - 提高了整体跟踪性能到地址的帧速率下降在某些领域。

*阿斯顿·马丁Vantage的GTE - 调整驾驶舱接触,以便更好地与多雨的条件下工作。
*阿斯顿马丁DBR 1-2 - 订车向上,以便在方向盘保持在静止状态时,用户选择“隐藏轮'选项,以使用户仍能够读取在车轮上所显示的重要信息。
*阿斯顿马丁DBR1 1959年 - 固定使用头盔查看时,那里是显示错误的头盔的问题,调整惯性和侧倾刚度,提高碰撞行为。
*奥迪90 IMSA GTO,奥迪R8 V10加,鲁夫保留时间12R - 修正了KERS栏会出现在这些车的平视显示器,即使他们没有KERS的问题。
* BMW 320涡轮增压 - 修正了一个问题,车子就开始“流浪”在几圈后直线。
*宾利欧陆GT3 - 更新引擎和最小的车身高度,以配合最新的;映射表现现实世界的平衡;更新的变速箱比目前FIA的规格,把它更符合其他GT3赛车。
*福特野马GT - 提高制动功率,以更好地匹配汽车的重量。
*购买ginetta G40 - 对前胎压力是否越过1.8bar过热的部分修复。
*历史莲花一级方程式汽车 - 改善了头盔显示曝光设置
*莲花98T - 在驾驶舱缺少的车身固定的问题
*奔驰C级DTM - 调整方向盘转向灯在发动机的功率范围更好地匹配。
*鲁夫CTR - 改变的轨道使用更耐用的刹车片和添加一个可选的制动管道,以帮助控制温度在缓慢的轨道。


*本地化 - 增加了“阿联酋”使用Ly​​kan到非英语语言集。

*修正驾驶员头部Oculus公司裂谷模式时偏移 - 默认为0.0,但可以通过命令行-vreyeoffset量进行设置。
*增加了HUD位置编辑控制键,以现有的HUD编辑设置:AD - 左/右,WS - 上/下,泽 - 输入/输出。 (请注意,这还没有保存游戏重新启动的。我们这个内部的工作,但现在它错过了这个补丁,所以会很快来临您的方式)
* HUD和菜单系统现在位于世界和车内空间,而不是附连到游戏者的头部。
- 注意 - 如果在VR玩的时候遇到一个黑色闪烁/闪光的右眼视图,请确保您已启用垂直同步。


* Enforce fixed (default) setups - fixed cases where enabling this would still allow players to use custom setups. Enabled the player's custom controller settings to still be used when using fixed setups.
* Mojave layouts - fixed an issue where, if the host were disqualified, it would force end-of-race for everyone.
* Fixed an issue with tyre choices being ignored during pit stops.

Physics & AI 
* Improved AI behaviour in pit lanes to further reduce cars hitting the pit walls when driving out of the garages.
* Fixed an issue where cars under AI control would struggle to drive correctly on tracks with high banking.
* Fixed an issue where some car parts that were dislodged during a collision would not be removed when the track is cleared.

* Fixed an issue where the maximum amount of contract and invitation emails could be exceeded with DLC installed, resulting in the player not being notified of newly unlocked contract offers and invitational events.

* Fixed a bug on the splash screen where the controller used to press the A Button to start was not selected as the current controller. 
* Logitech G29/G920 - updated default controller map sets for the layouts to be consistent between wheels and across platforms.
* Logitech G920 - fixed an issue with the gearshift mapping.
* Removed default assignments for wipers and lights, as this was disabling the wipers/lights turning on automatically when it started raining or got dark.

* Nurburgring GP, Sprint, Sprint Short - fixed an issue that caused issues for cars pitting in the first pit spot.
* Nordschleife - fixed an issue that caused cars to get stuck against the pit wall when driving in the pit lane.
* Nurburgring Sprint Short - fixed a cut track issue at the NGK Chicane.
* Barcelona GP - fixed cut track issue when entering the pit lane.
* Watkins Glen - improved overall track performance to address frame rate drops in certain areas.

* Aston Martin Vantage GTE - tweaked cockpit exposure to work better with rainy conditions.
* Aston Martin DBR 1-2 - set the car up so that the steering wheel remains in a static state when the user chooses the ‘hide wheel’ option, so that the user can still read the vital info displayed on the wheel.
* Aston Martin DBR1 1959 - fixed an issue where the wrong helmet was displayed when using Helmet View, tweaked inertia and roll stiffness to improve collision behaviour.
* Audi 90 IMSA GTO, Audi R8 V10 plus, Ruf Rt 12R - fixed an issue where the KERS bar would appear on the HUD of these cars, even though they don’t have KERS.
* BMW 320 Turbo - fixed an issue where the car would start 'wandering' in straight lines after a few laps.
* Bentley Continental GT3 - updated engine and minimum ride height to match latest; mapped real world balance of performance; updated gearbox ratios to current FIA specifications, putting it more in line with the other GT3 cars.
* Ford Mustang GT - improve braking power to better match the car's weight. 
* Ginetta G40 - partial fix for front tires overheating if pressure goes over 1.8bar.
* Historic Lotus Formula cars - improved the Helmet View exposure settings 
* Lotus 98T - fixed an issue with missing bodywork in the cockpit
* Mercedes C Class DTM - adjusted steering wheel shift lights to better match the engine's power band.
* Ruf CTR - changed to a more durable brake pad for track use and added an optional brake duct to help control temperatures at slow tracks. 

* Display correct message when trying to toggle assists when assists are disabled.
* Fixed an issue with the Leaderboards navigation that prevented the user from changing the vehicle or location.
* Changed the displayed values for Lateral and Longitudinal weight bias, to make it more intuitive.
* Fixed an issue with bad Text spacing on the Telemetry screen.
* Fixed various issues with the HUD gearshift indicator during replays.
* Fixed an issue where making real time changes to the stability control would display incorrect information.
* Fixed an issue where the in-game Standings screen ‘Lap time’ was cleared too soon.

* Fixed an issue where the ‘Sync to Race’ option was unavailable when configuring Weather Progression.
* Fixed an issue where the Best Driving Line assist appeared in the rear view mirrors.
* Localisation - added ‘United Arab Emirates’ used by Lykan to non-English language sets.
* Fixed an issue with Quick Race Weekend, where running Qualifying and Race without a Practice session would cause the Qualifying session rules to not work correctly.
* Fixed a case where the ‘One more for the road’ achievement would not unlock correctly.
* Fixed an issue where the player could still toggle driving assists on via buttons, even when driving assists was disabled.
* Fixed an issue where the external driving camera would clip through the track on steep banking. 
* Fixed an issue with random cloud ‘popping’ in and out of view.
* Fixed an issue with clouds disappearing when using time acceleration.
* Fixed a render timing issue that would at times cause a black screen when the processor is under heavy load.
* Fixed an issue that caused the player’s view to switch from helmet camera to cockpit camera during pit stops. 
* Fixed an issue with Enhanced Mirror, where enabling it could at times cause occasional drop-outs of mirror content

Oculus Rift 
* Improved support for Oculus Rift rendering to desktop and headset simultaneously.
* Added command line option -vrfullscreen for use when using second screen, to use whole screen instead of windowed mode.
* Amended driver head offset when in Oculus Rift mode - defaults to 0.0 but can be set using command line -vreyeoffset amount.
* Added HUD position editing control keys to the existing HUD editing setup: AD - left/right, WS - up/down, ZE - in/out. (Note that this doesn't save yet between game restarts. We have this working internally now but it missed this patch, so will be coming your way very soon)
* HUD and Menu system is now located in world and car space instead of attached to the player’s head.
* Updated to Oculus SDK
- NOTE - If you experience a black flicker/flash in the right eye view when playing in VR, please ensure that you have VSync enabled.


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