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地下城工会 v1.01升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版

地下城工会 v1.01升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版
更新时间:2015-07-19 11:23




- 收集多达8个甜蜜的交易卡拥有4怪物和4 dungeoneer类。我们还添加了徽章,表情和轮廓的背景收集。

- 在选项屏幕上,您现在可以全屏和窗口几种分辨率之间进行切换。

- 调整了一些在AZCA丛林的怪物是非常轻微更加容易。特别是减少丢弃效应的患病率,淡化了几个怪物的攻击,并通过1的几个1级和2级的怪物丛林降低马力。 PIXIES AMIRITE!? (作出的具体变化是这里)
- 调整了眼球的魅力所以它是不同的死蜥蜴魅力。也许我们应该加上一个死蜥蜴的眼球的魅力呢?

- 取消了对dungeoneer AI的“回溯”的处罚。在此之前,他们真的不喜欢回到房间,他们最后一次。我们已经决定这将导致过多的WTF时刻,并删除它。如何dungeoneer AI /寻路的作品可以在这里找到大的解释。
- 增加了对房间已解锁,但进入你的公会的时候也没有放置一张支票。在此之前,你可以解锁一个房间,但不能把它的任何地方,而是退出菜单。当你回来的时候你的房间永远消失了。现在,系统将提示您重新安置他们。
- 固定dungeoneer讣告与错误的文字一些问题
- 调整我们的代码按钮来帮助偶尔的问题,你需要点击按钮,多次得到回应
- 试图触发空闲聊天的公会模式,而你有没有大侠,当固定一个罕见的崩溃的bug
- 在公会频道上的两个不同的元素固定了一些错误,你可能会引发双击一次
- 修正了与点击驳回'你死'弹出过快造成一个幽灵般的英雄卡漂浮在你的公会。 OOOooooooOOOOooo。幽灵般的。
- 如果你在​​拖动卡的中间按Esc键进入选项屏幕取消卡的位置
- “你获得/你失去'标签的战利品屏幕更好的定位。没有更多的背后隐藏的那些提示家伙!

- 我们改变了商店页面上的游戏的描述,包括它运行在30FPS的事实

Trading Cards
- Collect up to 8 sweet trading cards featuring 4 monsters and 4 dungeoneer classes. We've also added badges, emoticons and profile backgrounds to collect. 

Windowed Mode
- In the options screen you can now toggle between fullscreen and several windowed resolutions. 

Balance Changes
- Tweaked a few of the monsters in the Azca Jungle to be ever so slightly easier. Specifically reduced the prevalance of discard-effects, toned down a couple of monster attacks, and reduced the hp by 1 of a few level 1 and level 2 jungle monsters. PIXIES AMIRITE!? (the specific changes made are here) 
- Tweaked the eyeball charm so it is different to the dead lizard charm. Maybe we should add a dead lizard's eyeball charm? 

- removed the 'backtracking' penalty on the dungeoneer AI. Previously they really didn't like going back to the room they were last in. We've decided this causes too many WTF moments and have removed it. Big explanation of how dungeoneer AI/pathfinding works can be found here. 
- added a check for rooms you have unlocked but haven't placed when entering your guild. Previously you could unlock a room but not place it anywhere and instead quit to menu. When you came back your room was gone forever. Now you will be prompted to place them again. 
- fixed some issues with wrong text on dungeoneer obituaries 
- tweaked our code for buttons to help with the occasional problem where you need to click multiple times on buttons to get a response 
- fixed a rare crash bug when trying to trigger idle chat in guild mode while you had no heroes 
- fixed a number of bugs where you could trigger a double-click on two different elements in the guild at once 
- fixed a bug with clicking to dismiss the 'you died' popup too quickly causing a ghostly hero card to float above your guild. OOOooooooOOOOooo. Spooky. 
- cancel card-placement if you enter the option screen by hitting ESC in the middle of dragging a card 
- better positioning of 'you gain / you lose' labels in the loot screen. No more hiding behind those tooltips guys! 

- we changed the description of the game on the store page to include the fact that it runs at 30FPS

by CPY

地下城工会:海盗湾 单独免DVD补丁TiNYiSO版地下城工会 v1.02升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版地下城工会 2号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版地下城工会 全版本三项修改器(感谢游侠会员403156253原创制作)
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞