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暗黑地牢 14号(Build 7692)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

暗黑地牢 14号(Build 7692)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
更新时间:2015-02-26 09:07





Build Update #7692
Fixes to save file handling from previous build 
Fixed visual corruption on older pre-2011 Macs

Build Update #7635
More trinket art! Fewer cupcake box placeholders! :) 
Ancestral Trinkets should now all have fx painted on them 
Fix for Sanitarium curing wrong quirk. (Might still error if you had a hero in the Sanitarium before getting this build, but should work properly after that.) 
L5 bosses have increased HP (They were missed when we scaled up L5 creatures earlier in the week.) 
Fixed Grave Robber ACC stacking buff from Thrown Dagger and Poison Dart 
Hero stat tooltips now show buff source categories in better detail 
Fixed crash caused by solo hero trying to buff non-existent team members as part of act out 
Fixed buff count crash when no buff count is provided 
Fixed instant skill buffs not working when skill is selected from previous round 
Fixed bug where dead hero can get Afflicted when getting killed by hunger

Build Update #7614

Stun resistance buff now works as intended

Build Update #7612
Heroes that go missing in town as part of an activity (e.g. drunken bender, vision quest) will remain on the roster, but greyed out and locked. This way you know they aren't gone forever. 
Plague Doctor base chances for CureSelf on Battlefield Medicine have been increased. They will *appear* to have decreased because of the tooltip bug above. But in reality they have gone up. MIND-BENDING ESCHER-ESQUE CRAZINESS. 
As much we love the Leper, we had to fix the trinket bug that was allowing him to do millions of points of damage. :( (Berserk Mask damage debuff corrected) 
Fixed missing debuffs on various trinkets that were mis-indexed on the spreadsheet.

Build Update #7605
Fixed Sanitarium curing incorrect quirk (was still happening if you visited it more than once in town before going on a dungeon raid)

Build Update #7601
Champion (L5) Monsters: increased difficulty across the board. 
Grave Robber needed a little somethin': increased Speed, added stacking Accuracy buffs for Thrown Dagger and Poison Dart 
Hellion is an absolute wrecking machine. This is intentional, but she still needed dialed down a tiny bit: Reduced starting HP, restricted Iron Swan to position 1 only, added Exhaust to Breakthru and slightly reduced crit, but increased dmg buff of Bleed Out 
Plague Doctor: Increased Blight and Disease Resistance, increased Blight damage of Noxious Blast and Plague Grenade, Added a small heal to Battlefield Medicine. Now she's the hero we deserve, not just the hero we need. 
Ghoul, Swinetaur, Unclean Giant: increased HP to make them even a little more menacing. 
Gargoyles: increased dodge, reduced dmg, increased crit. Focus up your Accuracy to hit these beasts! 
Bone Arbalist: reduced Bayonet Jab crit. Should be less threatening at the front. 
Heroes don't like it when you prolong combat unnecessarily 
Added 'Clear Head' moderate Stun Resistance buff to heroes and monsters after clearing an existing stun. Stacks for consecutive stuns. 
No heroes are truly immortal
Other fixes and changes: 
Fixed crash at end of dungeon raid caused by incompatible quirks 
Added threshold for health bar display based on actor scale 
Improved backup save file handling 
Fixed purge result announcement

by thegfw

《暗黑地牢》Build25594十三项修改器MrAntiFun版《暗黑地牢》b25559十二项修改器风灵月影版《暗黑地牢》b25550十二项修改器风灵月影版暗黑地牢 v2019.08.30十三项修改器MrAntiFun版暗黑地牢 Build24839升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞