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创造历史:伟大战争 测试版18号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

创造历史:伟大战争 测试版18号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
更新时间:2014-11-10 16:37
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New Features

New scenario added: "The July Crisis"
New game demo added
Bug Fixes
Various code fixes 
Link to Empire Leader in Empires Chart in the Diplomacy Panel now functioning 
Fixed inefficient code when choosing map models
Artillery no longer use the infantry move models for roads
Fixed sign error in handling trade agreement proposals
Fixed idle animation settings
Fixed indentation error in Infantry models 
Removed some unneeded error mmessages from Debugview (useful for modders) 
Regions now won't ask to secede and join a disabled nation
Exposed war weariness modifiers
Cancel trade access when nations break diplomatic relations 
Disabled sphere check when evaluating whether or not nations should establish relations
Set former controller of a region in when changing region owner/controller through revolt -- Potential fix to avoid a possible turn stall
Re-enabled and revised ability to avoid issues with dealing with a disabled nation
Fixed bouncy train animations
If a player is tries to advance a turn while a Decision Point is still open, it closes all open notifications.
Fixed walk animations for Zulu, Zanj, Yemeni, West Indian, Vietnamese, Turkmen, Turkish, Tibetan, Thai, Syrian, Swedish, and Swiss Infantry
Moved shortcut to ensure the UI gets the uninhibited MPU growth rate updated correctly
Ensured a nation's population and core population have a minimum value of 1 to avoid divide by zero errors
improved rail move animations
When the player quits the game, the game redirects to the appropriate game over screen first.
Added Timer Display when the game mode enables the gameplay timer.
Added a new panel that displays whether or not a nation has accepted or rejected Diplomatic Relations
When a region is expanding or reducing resource capacity, a progress bar is shown until the expansion applies.
Added more details for the Resource Production Statuses for the current AI.
Nations now break relations with enemies when declaring or entering a war
Nations ignore trade gold cost evaluation for direct trades to be consistent with the current budgeting scheme and world market
Added property nPredictedTradeProduce to NationResource to track predicted resource amounts gained from trade deals
Added check to make sure nations don't try to offer up resource amounts gained from trade for another trade
Nations won't offer intra-empire trade for a resource if they are receiving trade from that resource
Changed check amounts to handle precision errors
Altered resource shortage calculation 
Implemented basic AI for accepting/rejecting seceding regions looking for a new nation.
Added code to help catch un-implemented AI decision points
Changed answer for proposing diplomatic relations (avoids players establishing relations with nations incidentally when avoiding the decision point)
Ensured rebel armies switch controller to new master before trying to set region state to controlled
Nations established by another nation now automatically gain relations with their creator -- This is true when nations create subordinates to maintain stability and after conquest
Added error checking when forming new nation
Added Soviet Region Claims and New Bulgarian Triggers
Updated Triggers for July Crisis scenario
Modified Infantry Model Idle animation assignments
Added logic to handle "failed nations"
-- A nation who has all owned (and controlled) regions occupied by rebels and has no land units is a failed state -- If the nation had a city, the regions are used to build a new rebel nation -- If the nation did not have a city, the regions attempt to join another nation
Added property to track status of offers to propose relations
Added properties to Diplomatic Influence object to keep track of proposals status
Implemented recognize nation AI (both asking and accepting)
When AI nations choose a side in war they also evaluate whether or not to propose relations with nations they support
Added Territorial Claim Dispute diplomatic influence modifier 
Added military forces and completed research programs for TJC scenario and demo.
Updated unit models to include observation balloon texture
Artillery units requiring breakdowns now take a full turn to go through the break down process instead of transitioning to movement immediately
Empire Chart entries in the Diplomacy Panel no longer adds in points from subordinates
Added Decals on observation balloon trucks
Added Canal Icon asset to the skin folder
Updated Trade Deals and edited nation starting Stockpiles for DOD & TJC scenarios
Relocated some Airbase positions
Removed duplicate data entry in Nepalese Nationality Template
Reduced Rail Capacity requirements for building Railroads
Reduced Steel Requirements for Mechanized & Factory Farms
Updated some Nation Flag/Decals
Added more German, French, and Spanish Language support
Improved art on Research panel
Added armies to Germany and Japan
Diplomatic relations points between puppets and masters no longer count towards a nation's influence score
improved Economic Stockpile chart 
Changed the text alignment of the pie chart legend
Set limited turn time for demo
Changed demographics stability value to span the range (-40, 20)
Added Demo Screen
More Work on the Editor
Revision to Economic Chart
Merge/split popups for unit groups no longer automatically turn off when the player confirms the action.
Added "Demo Mode" display when the player is playing the demo mode.
Added combatant flags to the War Declared Notification.
Modified and re-exported the farmers animation 
Increased Food Output Rates and Tax Income
Lowered Revolt Risk for Elevated conditions
Removed Extra Coal and Fuel requirements for Artillery Units
Increased % Chance to secede
Apply penalty when nations share region claims and remove penalty when they don't
Added TJC scenario to Lobby 
Added demo scenario when demo is downloaded

by thegfw

创造历史:伟大战争 v1.52四项修改器MrAntiFun版创造历史:伟大战争 Beta测试版20号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)创造历史:伟大战争 Beta测试版19号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)创造历史:伟大战争 测试版14号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)创造历史:伟大战争 测试版13号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)