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子午线:新世界 10号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

子午线:新世界 10号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
更新时间:2014-05-08 15:24





- Increased situational awareness of the AI to prevent the player from easily winning with mass infantry
- Increased situational awareness of the AI to better prepare for air units
- The 19th and 20th waves in Turret Defense are now easier


- Fixed a bug where the progress bar above incomplete buildings would disappear if a new building was about to be placed
- Fixed a bug where less Shardium was given back to the player than necessary when canceling production of Light Tanks or Scouts
- Fixed an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." crash which occured occasionally at the initial loading
- Fixed an "Index was outside the bounds of the array." crash which occured when trying to attack with units currently holding position
- Fixed a crash which occured occasionally when selec ting another players Light Factory while the equipment hologram was visible
- Fixed a bug where turning off shadows would change interior lighting color from orange to white
- Fixed a performance issue which occured on campaign maps, while a worker unit was selec ted
- Fixed a bug where quitting campaign and then entering again wouldnt reset choices made throughout the campaign
- Selec ting a numbered group via its hotkey will now only jump the camera to the group if the hotkey is quickly pressed twice
- In the intro map, units couldnt be ordered directly next to the dropship, this is now fixed
- Fixed a bug where the transports landing and take-off animation would display incorrectly at low FPS values
- Right clicking will now cancel the currently selec ted special ability
- Fixed a bug during Turret Defense which caused special abilities to malfunction if used via clicking the buttons instead of hotkeys
- The credits video played during the introduction mission will now properly resume when unpausing the game
- Fixed a bug where the "Talk to Donovan" button wouldnt disappear when talking to Donovan again after the first mission
- Memory management of the GUI was optimized, it now utilizes less RAM
- Fixed Russian fonts to include reported missing characters


- When winning a map while testing, clicking "Quit to Main Menu" will now close the game properly instead of crashing it
- If a map is already loaded, the save window will already contain that maps name to make overwriting it easier
- Ctrl + S is now a shortcut to saving the map
- Fixed a bug which caused the wrong map (or no map) to be launched when clicking "test this map"
- Added functions "GUI_GetMouseX" and "GUI_GetMouseY" to retrieve the mouse cursors current position
- Uploading to Steam Workshop now works from within the editor, you dont need to test your map to reach the uploader
- Steam Workshop uploads should now work from the editor instead of returning an Error #124 all the time

by thegfw

子午线:新世界 v1.04a升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)子午线:新世界 单独免DVD补丁PROPHET版子午线:新世界 正式版3号(v1.02)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)子午线:新世界 正式版3号(v1.02)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)子午线:新世界 正式版单独免DVD补丁CODEX版