[AS-6208] - 对问题进行了第一次修复,导致玩家在四处走动时被随机发射到空中,特别是在Sylva以外的行星上。现在,如果发生此错误,玩家将只会轻微撞击并且不再受到致命伤害。我们正在调查Terrain 2.0的更深层次的修复,它将完全解决这个问题以及其他一些问题,但需要更多的实现和测试。
[AS-6162] - 对Terrain 2.0进行了多次修复,这将导致客户端玩家看到主机玩家在资源存款周围变形的接缝。
[AS-6196] - 现在,当到达任何星球的地幔时,“贪婪深渊”的成就将得到适当的解锁。不幸的是,这不是一个自我修复的解决方案,这意味着你将不得不回到地球的外衣来获得这个。
[AS-6212] - 通过移除碎纸机上放置的小电池并更换它们,允许玩家产生无限废料的漏洞已得到修复。你现在必须回到收集Scrap这个好时尚的方式。
[AS-6234] - 修正了导致安装在车辆上的起重机和钻机不会将土壤收集到与其相连的罐中的错误。
[AS-6270] - 修正了一个错误,该错误导致起重机安装的钻机停止在地面上短距离挖掘。
[AS-6271] - 修正了一个导致强度较低的钻头如果更高强度的钻头从其槽中脱离,钻头将无法激活。
[AS-6101] - 修正了播放器死亡后,教程dropship的UI提示不再出现的错误。
[AS-6111] - 修正了如果玩家在他们的背包中存放研究样本而发生的可用性问题,则不会立即打开背包。
[AS-6112] - 修复了小型打印机的一个令人讨厌的问题,它会失去使用键,无法用于打印推进器并推进目标。
[AS-6113] - 修正了将固态推进器插入梭子上的氧合器槽的错误推进物镜的问题。
[AS-6160] - 修正了一个错误,当玩家进入幻灯片或部署地形工具时,该错误会导致携带物体在地形中剪辑并丢失。
[AS-1070] - 作为上述装载物体修复的一部分,解决了一个旧的错误,当它们从地形工具背面弹出时,当模型位于地表以下时,资源有时会落在地形上。
[AS-5038] - 当我们在那里时,修复了一个视觉问题,试图在拿着它时快速收起大件物品会触发“背包全”UI警告
[AS-6206] - RTG现在可以在碎纸机中切碎。
Update v1.0.9:
Deployed fixes for a number of our most commonly reported gameplay bugs:
[AS-6208] - Made the first fix to the issue which is causing players to be randomly launched into the air while walking around, especially on planets other than Sylva. Now if this error occurs, the player will be only slightly bumped and should no longer take lethal damage. We are investigating a deeper fix to Terrain 2.0 that would fully address this issue, as well as some others, but will require more implementation and testing.
[AS-6162] - Made several fixes to Terrain 2.0 which would cause Client players to see seams where Host players have deformed terrain around resource deposits.
[AS-6196] - The Achievement "Delve Greedily and Deep" will now be appropriately unlocked when reaching the mantle of any planet. Unfortunately, this is not a self-healing fix, meaning that you will have to go back to the mantle of a planet to earn this.
[AS-6212] - The exploit that allowed players to generate infinite Scrap by removing Small Batteries placed on the Shredder and replacing them has been fixed. You will now have to go back to collecting Scrap the good ‘ol fashion way.
Made changes to how our backend service checks for Achievement progress in order to address the issue of players no longer seeing customization items they unlocked by completing achievements. If you are still experiencing missing items in your inventory, please keep reporting it to us.
Cranes and Drills have received several fixes and adjustments:
[AS-6234] - Fixed the bug causing the Crane and Drills mounted on vehicles to not collect soil into canisters attached to them.
[AS-6270] - Fixed a bug which caused Crane-mounted Drills to stop digging a short ways past the surface.
[AS-6271] - Fixed a bug which caused a lower strength Drill to fail to activate if a higher strength Drill is detached from its slot.
The deformation rate has been made uniform across all Drill hardness tiers when drilling soft terrain.
Additional power will now be drawn when multiple Drills are attached to one vehicle.
Buffed the deformation size for Crane-mounted Drills.
A number of most commonly occurring Tutorial issues have been addressed in order to smooth the experience for first time players:
[AS-6101] - Fixed a bug where the UI prompt for the tutorial dropship does not appear again after a player dies.
[AS-6111] - Fixed a usability issue which occurred if a player stowed a research sample in their backpack, there would be no prompt open the backpack.
[AS-6112] - Fixed an annoying issue with the small printer where it would lose the Use key and could not be used to print a thruster and progress the objective.
[AS-6113] - Fixed an issue where slotting the solid-state thruster to the oxygenator slot on the shuttle mistakenly advanced the objective.
A number of issues have been fixed regarding quick stow and tier two object carrying.
[AS-6160] - Fixed a bug that would cause carried objects to clip through terrain and become lost when a player enters a slide or deploys terrain tool.
[AS-1070] - As part of the above fix with carrying objects, addressed an old bug where resources would sometimes fall through the terrain when their model was below the surface at the time they were ejected from the back of the Terrain Tool.
[AS-5038] - And while we’re there, fixed a visual issue where attempting to quick stow a large item while holding it would trigger the “Backpack Full” UI warning
[AS-6206] - The RTG can now be shredded in the Shredder.