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战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.1.3升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.1.3升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版
更新时间:2018-11-21 11:16









- 在与其他派系作战时,AI现在会更加激进。这可能会在FFA场景中略微削弱它们,但是应该更有趣。
- 当城市受到攻击并受到伤害时,AI将不再撤退其部队。相反,它也会与受损单位作斗争。
- AI现在试图让支持单位单位落后于其他单位并且不受伤害。
- 当周围有其他单位时(如Enslaver),AI现在不太可能射击自己的被奴役单位。
- 考虑到AI军队的距离,现在总是会选择捕捉和探索的目标。考虑到距离城市的距离,将选择攻击目标。通过这种方式,人工智能仍然优先考虑防守,但不会浪费那么多时间与他们的军队来回重新捕捉和探索。
- 当撤退一个单位进行治疗时,人工智能现在不仅会离开敌人的直接攻击范围,而且还会进一步向后移动,以使追逐撤退单位变得更加困难。
- AI现在更害怕奴役者。
- 为许多技术添加了AI标记,因此AI知道它们有什么用处,并可以相应地选择研究。
- AI现在更喜欢它可以对最安全的攻击目标造成大量伤害的目标。
- 人工智能将不再离开一个重要的前线,它仍然觉得它占上风,以追逐一些简单的目标。
- 人工智能将不再在每个城市建立一个殖民者生产大楼。
- AI现在将不再完全忽视它现在可能不需要的重要技术人员。
- AI现在将缺乏的资源考虑在内,当它计算出所需的资源建筑物时,通过禁用建筑物来节省资源。
- 当AI没有失去至少10%的健康时,他不再考虑让一个单位愈合。通过士气损失造成的微小伤害,这有助于对抗“惊艳”的Ork近战单位。
- 人工智能是否试图保持人口增长最大化现在取决于他们是否有足够的生产能力来跟上人口增长。
- AI现在使用Ammo Runt和Signum技能。
- AI Weirdboy不应再为自己施放战争路径,而是选择更昂贵的单位作为目标而不是随机目标。
- AI现在应优先考虑整体伤害最大的单位,而不是最高伤害百分比(如果目标的生命值较低,仍会考虑到)。
- 修复了当附近没有敌人时使用Telekine Dome的图书管理员。
- 修正了中立分数评分中潜在除法0的问题。

- 修正了AI减速。
- 修正了一个问题,该问题导致建议的城市仅用于建造商所在的城市。


Update v1.1.3:
Patch Notes:

These are mainly AI improvements as well as a fix to the AI performance drop that was introduced with a recent version. We're currently in the crunch phase for the new faction, so balance changes are postponed to the upcoming big update.

- AI will now be more aggressive when fighting other factions. This might slightly weaken them in FFA scenarios but should be more fun to play against.
- AI will no longer retreat its units when their cities are under attack and take damage. Instead it'll also fight with the damaged units.
- AI now tries to keep support units units behind other units and out of harms way.
- AI is now less likely to shoot their own enslaved units when there's other units around (like an Enslaver).
- Targets for capturing and exploring will now always be picked considering the distance form the AI's army. Targets for attacking will be picked considering the distance from the cities. That way the AI still prioritizes defending but will not waste so much time going back and forth with their army for recapturing and exploring.
- When retreating a unit to heal, the AI will now not just go out of immediate attack range of the enemy but also further back in general to make it harder to chase the retreating unit down.
- AI is now more afraid of Enslavers.
- Added AI flags to a lot of technologies so the AI knows what they are good for and can choose research accordingly.
- AI shall now prefer targets it can deal a lot of damage to over targets that are safest to attack.
- AI shall no longer leave an important frontline where it still feels it has the upper hand in order to chase some easy targets.
- AI will no longer build a colonizer production building in every single city when it already has one.
- AI now will no longer completely disregard important techs it might not need right now but later.
- AI now takes the lacking resources into account that it saves by disabling buildings when it calculates which resource buildings it needs.
- AI no longer considers to let a unit heal when it hasn't lost at least 10% of its health. This helps against "stunning" Ork melee units via miniscule damage caused by morale loss.
- Whether AI tries to keep their population growth maximized now depends on whether they have enough production capabilities to keep up with the population growth.
- Ammo Runt and Signum abilities are now used by the AI.
- AI Weirdboy should no longer cast warpath on himself and shall prefer more expensive units as targets instead of random ones.
- AI shall now prioritize units to which they deal the most damage overall rather than the highest damage percentage (still taking into account if a target has lower health).
- Fixed Librarian using Telekine Dome when there were no enemies nearby.
- Fixed an issue with potential division by 0 in score evaluation for Neutrals.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed AI slowdown.
- Fixed an issue that caused recommended tiles for founding a city only being the tile the builder was on.


战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.4.6免DVD补丁CODEX版战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.4.5免DVD补丁CODEX版战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.4.4七项修改器MrAntiFun版战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.4.4单独免DVD补丁CODEX版战锤40K:角斗士之战争圣器 v1.4.2升级档单独免DVD补丁CODEX版
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