+修复了使用最后一个创伤套件/炸药的问题,导致游戏偶尔变得没有反应。 (谢谢大家!)
+修正了能够在Kurt Renko地图内部建筑物内行走(murrki017)
+修复了将更多可堆叠项目拖动到不更新重量的设备插槽的问题。 (迪基)
+固定延迟转弯导致冷却时间减少。 (Ushas,好奇研究员,兰斯洛特勋爵)
+修正了Nocturnal perk的错误。 (好奇的研究员)
+修正了Dim Mak Perk。 (LordLancelot)
+修复了在治疗盟友时主动队列中的HP并不总是被更新的问题。 (willsama974)
+如果使用perk消耗最后一个AP,则固定转弯不会结束。 (ushas)
+修正了Alex Mazlo老板屏幕上缺少的信息。 (dee221987)
+修正了Nobuki Samurai的升级描述。 (ushas)
+修复了按下延迟转动时保留在屏幕上的多个UI元素。 (ushas)
+修正了在制作过程中没有愈合的字符。 (ushas)
+运动显示现在在使用全部进攻后更新。 (Ushas)
+使用近战武器时,在移动显示时不考虑蹲伏。 (Ushas)
+修正正常抛出的攻击,使AP减少与快速攻击相同的量。 (好奇的研究员)
Update v1.02:
+ Restored the escort mission encounter.
+ Save games made after V1.02 will be sorted by save time
+ Thrown weapons, including smoke grenades, can be used on the active character's current tile.
+ Added text to upgrades to inform players of armour and weapon type upgrades.
+ It is now possible to change attack type when targeting body part.
+ Crouching can be done with move AP.
+ Adrenaline now takes the highest of 50% current AP, or 50% of the AP per turn derived stat
[Bug Fixes]
+ Fixed issue with last trauma kit/explosive being used causing game to occasionally become unresponsive. (Thanks all!)
+ Fixed being able to walk inside building in Kurt Renko map (murrki017)
+ Fixed character skill leveling up quickly, in error, after 139. (Dickie & murrki017)
+ Fixed dragging more of a stackable item to an equipment slot not updating weight. (Dickie)
+ Fixed delaying turn causing cooldowns to be reduced in certain circumstances. (Ushas, Curious Fellow, Lord Lancelot)
+ The quantity of currently equipped, stacked items, is now updated when one of them are used.
+ Fixed errors with Nocturnal perk. (Curious Fellow)
+ Fixed Dim Mak Perk. (LordLancelot)
+ Fixed HP in the initiative queue not always being updated when healing an ally. (willsama974)
+ Fixed crafting recipes not being visible on 4K resolutions (Boughrock & Darcek)
+ Fixed turns not ending if last AP is expended by using a perk. (ushas)
+ Fixed message sent status effect (and achievement) not triggering (LordLancelot & Non)
+ Fixed not being able to delay turn with tactical delay if character has 0 AP and available movement points
+ Fixed boss info being displayed in wrong places (murkki017)
+ Fixed missing info on boss screen for Alex Mazlo. (dee221987)
+ Fixed upgrade description of Nobuki Samurai. (ushas)
+ Fixed a number of UI elements which remain on screen when delay turn is pressed. (ushas)
+ Fixed characters not healing during crafting. (ushas)
+ Fixed scrolling on looting screen (ushas)
+ Movement display no longer takes firing position into account (Ushas)
+ Movement display is now updated after using all out offensive. (Ushas)
+ Fixed crouch not being taken into account on movement display when using melee weapons. (Ushas)
+ Blocked input through UI buttons which could cause errors when targeting body parts.
+ Fixed normal thrown attacks reducing AP by same amount as snap attack. (Curious Fellow)