
2012-03-29 16:10:09


HUNK: Were entering the lab of Doctor William Birkin - an Umbrella scientist attempting to sell classified samples of a weaponized virus strain to the US government.
汉克: 我们现在正准备攻入威廉.柏金的实验室...他是雨伞公司的科学家并试图出售机密武器化的病毒株样本给美国政府.

Bertha: You mean Umberellas T-Virus?
柏莎: 你是指雨伞的T-病毒?

HUNK: No.This is a new gene-altering compound Birkins developed called the G-Virus.Its significantly more powerful and hes in possession of the only known samples.
汉克: 不.这是一个全新由威廉.柏金开发出基因修改之化合物称为G-病毒.且它显然更为强大并是唯一占有者.

HUNK: Theres a detachment of Umbrellas Biohazard Countermeasure Service on site who will likely try to protect him.
汉克: 且在现场还有一支UBCS派遣分队愿意保护威廉博士.

HUNK: They are unaware of this operation and are considered expendable.
汉克: 这批部队并不知道我们这次的行动且(被总部)判定是牺牲品了.

Spectre: Arent we on the same team? Couldnt we just pick up the phone and call?
史贝卓: 我们不是隶属于同间公司吗? 怎么不打通电话『乔』一下就好!?

Hunk: The UBCS are just mercenaries;they can be bought.We cant assume their loyalty to the company.
汉克: UBCS 只是一群雇佣兵,且他们能被收买。我们无法确任他们对公司的忠诚度.

Spectre: So whats the objective?
史贝卓: 所以这次的行动宗旨是?

HUNK: Intercept Birkin and secure the G-Virus.
汉克: 拦截威廉博士并抢夺G-病毒.


Female Orientation Narrator: Welcome to Umbrella.
女性总机解说员: 欢迎来到安布雷拉.


HUNK: Alright its open,lets go!
汉克: 好的门已经大开,进去吧!

Bertha: Ohhh.Those dont look nice.
贝莎: 喔....它们看起来颇差....

Spectre: Wonder where they got...the live subjects...
史贝卓: 真不懂他们如何搞到...这些生命体....

UBCS 安布雷拉生化危机反制部队出现

HUNK: Take cover!
HUNK: Alright lets move.
HUNK: Put a frag on those troops!
HUNK: Good.

汉克: 找掩护准备好往前迈进吧帮这批童子军立死亡frag吧! 赞啦!

USS Command: Hunk,weve got a location on Dr.Birkin.Hes just entered his lab.Get in there and obtain those samples!
USS指挥官: 汉克,我们刚获知威廉的位置,他正进入他的实验室,赶快抵达掠夺样本吧!

HUNK: Roger Command.Proceeding ti Birkins lab.

HUNK: Stay focused.Birkins already set up an exchange with the US military.We may run into Special Operatives before this is over.
汉克: 保持警戒。威廉早已与美国陆军有所交流。我们得快跑潜入避免双方交战。


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