Command Posts: 5 (North, South, West, East, and Center)
特殊武器: Digger (South Checkout)
手枪: 2 把波塔克制式手枪 (West and East side of Electronics)
手榴弹:破片手榴弹 (Photo Center),燃烧弹 (North of Checkout)
重型武器: 幕丘机枪 (Between Electronics and Photo Center)
Command Posts: 4 (North, South, West, and East)
特殊武器: Scorcher (Security Trailer), Torque (Anchor)
手枪: 2 Boltok (Pump Station and west of Cargo Spawn)
手榴弹:油墨手榴弹 (Pump Station), 燃烧弹(Center of map lower level)
重型武器: 重型狙击枪(Banner)
Command Posts: 5 (Outside Bank, south of Bank, Boardwalk, Restaurant, and east of Boardwalk)
特殊武器:狙击枪 (Boardwalk), Digger (Belltower)
手枪: 2 高刚手枪 (Bank and Restaurant)
手榴弹: 2 烟雾弹 (west and east of Boardwalk),燃烧弹 (Center of map)
Command Posts: 3 (APC, Garden, Lobby)
特殊武器: 机械弓 (Elevator), Digger (South center)
手枪: 2 高刚手枪 (Near APC and Garden Posts)
手榴弹: 燃烧弹 (Front Entrance)
Command Posts: 4 (North, South, West, and East)
特殊武器: Digger (Sanctuary)
手枪: 2 高刚手枪 (Cellar and Library)
手榴弹: 破片手榴弹 (North of Sanctuary), 2 油墨弹 (West and east of Sanctuary)
重型武器: 迫击炮(Balcony)