
2024-09-23 18:00:14




Unveiling the Veil

Cyber Espionage

Medium-Sized Apartment

Bought a new apartment.

Shadows of Power

A Damsel In Distress

Investigated the mysterious disappearance of Jessica Davis.

No Maidens?

Ruined David's date with Erica.

Sabotage in the Stars

Sexy Elan Mask

Leaked Elan Mask's private photos to the media.

Pentagon Archive Heist

Decoy Deception

S-teamy Heist

Gained unauthorized access to S-teamy Servers by exploiting a backdoor and provided S-teamy users with free games.

Declassified Pursuit


Locked the guests insid their room and played loud music.

Surveillance Breach

Cipher Rank

Reached cipher rank 10


Launch Debacle Investigation

Exposing the Serpent's Den

Digital Footprints

Erased all traces linking back to you.


Bought a villa.

The American Psycho

Island Heist

Cyber Mayhem

Party Crasher

Turned off the lights at the rooftop party.

Redefining Reality

Ghost in the Mainframe

The Golden Serpent

Serpent's Collapse

Anonymous Hacker

Completed the game with a collective standing of 10

Telsa Mayhem

Crashed an AI-Powered Telsa car.

Sports Car

Snatched George Wesley's sports car.

Samsingalong Trouble

Uploaded ransomware and caused the shutdown of Samsungalong's upcoming event.

The Emerald Tower

Virtual Currency

Accumulated $10,050,000 virtual currency

Grey Hat

Completed "Grey Hat Ending" gig.


Completed a gig with a heat level of 80% or above.

Election Day

Serpent's End

Delayed Delivery

Goojerk's Deception

Black Hat

Completed "Black Hat Ending" gig.

Cheating Scandal

University Shutdown

Caused Austin University to shut down.

Basement Bust

Uncovered the secret cocaine stash hidden beneath the No-Tell Motel.

Attack on Neighbour

Stole your neighbour's account.


Seized 10 accounts.

Master Hacker

Completed the game on Master Hacker difficulty.

Silence the Noise

Brought a noisy salesman to justice by exposing his past indiscretions.

Law and Order

Brought an end to the mischief by reporting the troublemakers to the authorities, resulting in their arrest by the police.

Credit Cards

Stole 10 credit cards

Exec Expose

Brought the CEO of Pearce & Pearce to justice by exposing his agenda.

Syndicate Showdown

Weathered the storm as Syndicate1 raided the No-Tell Motel.

Insider Trading

Uncovered the clandestine dealings of Muffins Stanley and Fiddle Dexterity.

Caught in the Shadows

Uncovered the misdeeds of the troublemakers, leading to their entanglement with the cartel and their subsequent disappearance.

Dealt with Disgrace

Exposed and brought corrupt DEA agent O.E. to justice.

White Hat

Completed "White Hat Ending" gig.

Bank Heist

Investigated the recent heist at City Bank.



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