
2010-05-20 11:19:07


HF Radio Message

To:Agent Zolotnisky


Yesterday,August 23,three German paratrooper-spies are believed have landed in the Kharkov Region

on the outskirts of Maksimovka.

The chief of the group ,Aleksandr Itisov,aka Starikov had,before his capture,served as

midshipman on a submarine in the Black Sea Fleet.He is of an average height ,strongly bulit,has a submarine-shaped tattoo on his chest and another tattoo on his arm.Dark blond hair.blue eyes,with a straight nose.He wears the uniform of an RKKA senior lieutenant,an overcoat with battle shoulder stripes.and dark blue trousers.He is expected to pack quilted pants and a jacket,and carries a TT pistol and a German-style Browning.

Dmitry Sukhovarov aka shestakov wears a sergeants uniform.His distinguishing marks:below

average height,corpulent,short-legged,fair backswept hair,sharp-nosed.has a wolf tattoo on his chest.He previously worked as a teacher in Kharkov.He will be wearing jackboots,but also carries felt boots.

Sergey kotlyarov aka nikolayev is a radio operator native to the region of Moscow.He is of above average height,physically fit,round-faced,long dark-blond backswept hair.grey eyes.with a nose slightly upturned,and armed with a TT and a Browning.

Judging by intercepted texts and other indications.you are dealing with a highly skilled mobile group,tasked with carrying out operations behind our forward positions.These persons are probably connected to another group,targeted in the investigation of the Recreants case.It is apparent that they systematically monitor our critical communication routes,and have an extremely well-informed agent or,more likely,a network in the area of Maksimovka.

The Chief Counterintelligence Directorate has determined that this case is of utmost urgency.These persons pose numerous and severe dangers to the war effort.You must do anything within your means to discover any connections between this group and the group investigated under the Recreants case,and above all prevent all potential attempts of sabotage.

We must remind you that all actions related to the Renegades case must be kept absolutely secret.No action on your part may be allowed to interfere with our further investigations of the Makarov group.

The Chief of Staff of the Counterintelligence Directorate today ordered that the Investigation Division and encryption offices be placed under your personal command,Including all experienced investigators and cryptographers,on round-the-clock standby.

Report your progress on all investigations and activities,and any information you are able to obtain,every three hours.




高频 无线电 信息

致:探员 祖洛特尼斯基



为首的亚力克山大.伊提索夫,又名 “司塔里科夫”,在被俘之前,在黑海舰队的一艘潜艇上作为海军军校生。他平均身高,身体壮实,胸口有潜艇形状的刺青,手臂上还有一块。暗金发色,蓝眼睛,鼻子挺拔。穿着红军(注释1)上尉制服,一件肩部有战斗条纹的外套,深蓝色裤子。他会带着薄棉裤和一件夹克,携带着一把TT手枪和德制勃朗宁。

德米特里 苏克霍瓦洛夫 又名 “贺斯塔科夫” ,穿着一件中士制服。他的区分标志是:低于平均身高,腰粗腿短,背头,尖鼻子。胸部有狼形刺青,在此之前在哈尔科夫当教师。他会穿着长筒靴出现,也带着毛毡靴。

塞尔盖 科特亚洛夫 又名 “尼古拉耶夫”,是名无线电报务员,莫斯科本地人。高于平均身高,身材适中,圆脸,亚麻长发,后梳。灰色眼睛,鼻子轻轻上翻。装配一把TT和勃朗宁。









注释1:1946年前苏联军队叫Рабоче-Крестьянская Красная Армия,罗马化俄语相应名称是Raboche-Krestyanskaya Krasnaya Armiya,缩写RKKA,中文相应名称是工人与农民红军。


1.Surveil the group

Surveil the enemys intelligence group.To avoid arousing suspision,the meeting must be allowed to take place,and the saboteurs must not suspect anything.




2.Prevent the sabotage

According to our information ,an enemy sabotage unit is active in this area.It is essential that we identify the group and prevent any act of sabotage.At the same time ,it is also essential that we not compromise our other investigations into the groups possible connections:you must not allow the group to become aware of your activities,or neutralize any of their agents.



3.Capture Nikolayev

Capture agent Nikolayev.Kill him if capturing proves to be impossible.The operation must be carried out with greatest degree of caution,so as not to compromise our investigations of other groups.

Distinguishing marks:above average height,physically fit,round-faced,long dark-blond backswept

hair,grey eyes,nose slightly upturned.





Capture agent Shestakov.Kill him if capturing proves to be impossible.The operation must be carried out with greatest care,so as not to compromise our investigations of other groups.

Distinguishing marks:below average height,corpulent,short and bowed legs,fair skinned,backswept

hair,sharp-nosed.He has a wolf tattoo on his chest,and shoulde be wearing a sergeants uniform.




5.Capture the groups commander,Starikov.The operation must be carried out with greatest care,so as

not to compromise our investigations of other groups.A single alarm in the village will lead to the failure of the entire operation.

Starikovs distinguishing marks:average height,strong build.submarine-shaped tattoo on his chest,

with another tatto on his arm.Dark blond hair,blue eyes,straight nose.He wears the uniform of an RKKA

senior lieutenant,an overcoat with battle stripes,and dark blue trousers.




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