
2010-05-18 09:33:02

哥特3 V1.6可用控制台


  秘笈 效果

  god 无敌

  fullhealth 生命能量全满

  spawn # 产生NPC、怪物等

  spawn SH 出现指挥宫,可以给你主线剧情任务道具,钱,矿石,直接欣赏最后结局 (金钱一次就要个50W,以

  idkfa 所有物品及技能变100

  teach # 学会相应技能 如 teach LP number teach MP teach STR  teach DEX等

  teach all 学会所有技能,但点数都为0

  give # 得到相应的物品 (列表在下面)

  INSERT # 在物品栏加入特定事物

  kill 杀死杀死杀死

  Invisibility 隐身

  goto # 直接传送到指定地点
    teach STR 加近战
    teach DEX 加远程
    teach INT 加远古知识
    teach SMT加锻造
    teach ALC 加炼金
    teach HP 加HP上限
    teach MP 加MP上限
    teach LP 加学习点数
代码                                        物品

It_1H_AncestorSword_01                        Sword of the ancestors
It_1H_AssDagger_01                        Assassinenmesser
It_1H_AssSword_01                        Assassinenschwert
It_1H_BarbarianSword_01                        Barbarian sword
It_1H_Bastardsword_01                        Hybrid sword
It_1H_Broadsword_01                        Broad sword
It_1H_Club_01                        Club
It_1H_Crescent_01                        Mondsichel
It_1H_ElBastardo_01                        El Bastardo
It_1H_Epee_01                        Sword
It_1H_FlameSword_01                        Flame sword
It_1H_GreatSword_01                        Large sword
It_1H_Iceblade_01                        Ice blade
It_1H_Ingvar_Sword                        North march value
It_1H_Inquisitor_01                        Inquisitor
It_1H_Katana_01                        Katana
It_1H_Longsword_01                        Long sword
It_1H_MasterSword_01                        Master sword
It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01                Krush Milok
It_1H_Moonblade_01                        Moon blade
It_1H_OrcSlayer_01                        Orkschl hter
It_1H_PaladinSword_01                        Paladinschwert
It_1H_Rubyblade_01                        Ruby blade
It_1H_Runesword_01                        Rune sword
It_1H_Scimitar_01                        Bent sword
It_1H_Sword_01                        Sword
It_1H_Sword_01_OLD                        Barbarian sword
It_1H_Sword_02                        Sword
It_1H_Sword_Broad_01                        Broad sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_01                        Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_02                        Long sword
It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01                        King sword
It_1H_Sword_Rust_01                        Rusty sword
It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01                        Wenzels sword
It_2H_AncestorMight_01                        Power of the ancestors
It_2H_Axe_01                        Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_01                        Controversy axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_02                        Doppelaxt
It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack                        Holzf leraxt
It_2H_Axe_Normal_01                        Axe
It_2H_Axe_Rust_01                        Rusty controversy axe
It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff                        Schamanenstab
It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01                        Barbarian controversy axe
It_2H_Bardiche_01                        Beard axe
It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01                        Berserker axe
It_2H_DemonSword_01                        Demon Sword
It_2H_Executioner_01                        Arranging sword
It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01                                     Grossinquisitor
It_2H_Halberd                        Hellebarde
It_2H_Halberd_01                        Hellebarde
It_2H_HeavyClub_01                        Heavy branch
It_2H_InnosWrath_01                        Innos anger
It_2H_NailedClub_01                        Nail club
It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01                Oger Morgenstern
It_2H_OrcAxe_01                        Krush Pach
It_2H_OrcHalberd_01                        Krush Tarach
It_2H_OrcSword_01                        Krush Varok
It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01                        Krush Agash
It_2H_OrderSword_01                        Medal sword
It_2H_SpikedClub_01                        Prick club
It_2H_Sword_01                        Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01                        Hybrid sword
It_2H_Sword_Old                        Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Ore_01                        Ore Zweih der
It_2H_Sword_Rust_01                        Rusty Zweih der
It_2H_Waraxe_01                        Battle hatchet
It_2H_Warhammer_01                        War hammer
It_Axe_01                                Controversy axe
It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01                        Barbarian controversy axe
It_Axe_Bardiche_01                        Beard axe
It_Axe_BattleAxe_01                        Controversy axe
It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01                        Berserker axe
It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01                Berserkerzorn
It_Axe_HeavyClub_01                        Heavy branch
It_Axe_NailedClub_01                        Nail club
It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_01                Oger Morgenstern
It_Axe_OrcSword_01                        Krush Varok
It_Axe_OrcSword_02                        Krush Morok
It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01                        Krush Agash
It_Axe_Orc_01                        Krush Pach
It_Axe_Rust_01                        Rusty controversy axe
It_Axe_SpikedClub_01                        Prick club
It_Axe_Waraxe_01                        Battle hatchet
It_Axe_Warhammer_01                        War hammer
It_BattleAxe_01                        Controversy axe
It_Bow_01                                bow
It_Bow_Army                                Army bow
It_Bow_Ass                                Assassinens Bow
It_Bow_Bone                        Bone bow
It_Bow_Composite                        Composite bow
It_Bow_Deathbringer                        Todbringer
It_Bow_Demon                        Demon Bow
It_Bow_Dragon                        Kite bow
It_Bow_Fight                                Combat bow
It_Bow_Horn                                Horn bow
It_Bow_Hunting                        Hunting bow
It_Bow_Long                                Long bow
It_Bow_Nimroder                        Nimroder
It_Bow_Oak                                Oak bow
It_Bow_OrcRipper                        Orkreisser
It_Bow_Ork                                Ork bow
It_Bow_Ranger                        Forest runner bow
It_Bow_Rune                        Rune bow
It_Bow_SilentDeath                        Quiet death
It_Bow_War                                War bow
It_Bow_WolfRipper                        Wolf bow
It_Crossbow_01                        crossbow
It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest                Blood harvest
It_Crossbow_Bounty                        Head hunter crossbow
It_Crossbow_Heavy                        Heavy crossbow
It_Crossbow_KrashMorra                        Krash Morra
It_Crossbow_Merc                        Mercenary crossbow
It_Crossbow_Nrd                        Nordmar crossbow
It_Crossbow_Orc                        Ork crossbow
It_Crossbow_Rhino                        Rhino crossbow
It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller                        Slave death
It_Crossbow_War                        War crossbow
It_Halberd_01                        Hellebarde
It_Halberd_Orc_01                        Krush Tarach
It_Irmak_2H_Halberd                        Krush Irmak
It_Staff                                Staff of the Eternal Wonderer
It_Staff_BladeStaff_01                        Blade staff
It_Staff_Darkmage_01                        Staff of darkness
It_Staff_Darkmage_02                        Staff of Schwarzmagiers
It_Staff_Darkmage_03                        Staff of death
It_Staff_Dominion_01                        Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Druid_01                        Staff of nature
It_Staff_Fire                                Staff heat wave
It_Staff_Firemage_01                        Staff of fire
It_Staff_Firemage_02                        Staff of the FireMages
It_Staff_Firemage_03                        Staff of the rule
It_Staff_FireProt_01                        Staff of fire protection
It_Staff_Fire_01                        Staff of the rule
It_Staff_Healing_01                        Staff of the healing
It_Staff_Ice                                Staff frost wave
It_Staff_IceProt_01                        Staff of the ice protection
It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01                Arranging staff
It_Staff_Lightning                        Staff shock wave
It_Staff_Magic                        Staff of the magic
It_Staff_MagicProt_01                        Staff of the energy protection
It_Staff_Mana_01                        Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Mana_02                        Staff of the magic
It_Staff_Mana_03                        Staff of power
It_Staff_OrcShaman_01                        Schamanenstab
It_Staff_Power                        Staff of power
It_Staff_Prot_01                        Staff of the defense
It_Staff_Prot_02                        Staff of the protection
It_Staff_Prot_03                        Staff of invulnerability
It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01                                     Combat staff
It_Staff_Scythe_01                        Scythe
It_Staff_Sorcery                        Staff of the Zauberei
It_Staff_Spear_01                        Spear
It_Staff_Watermage_01                        Staff of the water
It_Staff_Watermage_02                        Staff of the WaterMages
It_Staff_Watermage_03                        Staff of reconciliation
Arrow                                Arrow
BluntArrow                                Head nut-(Knockout Arrow?)
Bolt                                Pin
Bolt_Sharp                                Blade pin
ExplosiveArrow                        Blowing up arrow
FireArrow                                Fire arrow
Fist                                Fist
Mike_Arrow                                Arrow
Mike_Axe                                Axe
Mike_Bolt                                Pin
Mike_Bow                                bow
Mike_Crossbow                        crossbow
Mike_Staff                                Helebarde
Mike_Sword                                Sword
TrollFist                                Trollfaust
PoisonArrow                                Poison arrow
sMage                                        Elite Assassinenr tung
Body_AssNovice                                Easy Assassinenr tung
Body_AssWarrior                                Assassinenr tung
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant                -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant_02                -
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Slave                        -
Body_Babe_Nrd_Peasant                        -
Body_Babe_Varant_Dance                        -
Body_Babe_Varant_Peasant                        -
Body_Babe_Varant_Slave                        -
Body_Druid                                Druidenrobe
Body_Firemage                                Fire robe
Body_Firemage_Dirty                        Fire robe
Body_Ghost                                -
Body_King                                Rhobars armament
Body_KingGuard                                Splendor armament
Body_Leather                                Leather gap
Body_MercElite                                Heavy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice                                Easy Orks dner armament
Body_MercNovice_02                        Easy Orks dner armament
Body_Merc_Orcish                        Orkr tung
Body_Mercenary                                Orks dner armament
Body_Mercenary_02                        Orks dner armament
Body_Nom_Elite_Outlaw                        Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Novice_Outlaw                        Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nom_Warrior_Outlaw                        Nomadenkleidung
Body_Nomad                                Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadNovice                        Easy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NomadWarrior                        Heavy Nomadenkleidung
Body_NrdElite                                Heavy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdScout                                Easy Nordmar armament
Body_NrdWarrior                                Nordmar armament
Body_Nrd_Ancient                                -
Body_Out_Elite                                Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice                                Bandit armament
Body_Out_Novice_02                        Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior                        Bandit armament
Body_Out_Warrior_02                        Bandit armament
Body_Paladin                                Paladin armament
Body_PaladinWounded                        -
Body_PaladinWounded_02                        -
Body_PaladinWounded_03                        -
Body_Paladin_02                                Paladin armament
Body_Paladin_03                                Paladin armament
Body_Peasant                                Farmer clothes
Body_Peasant_02                                Farmer clothes
Body_Player                                Clothes
Body_Ranger                                Forest runner clothes
Body_RebBandit                                Easy rebel armament
Body_RebBandit_02                        Easy rebel armament
Body_RebElite                                Heavy rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior                                Rebel armament
Body_RebWarrior_02                        Rebel armament
Body_Slave                                Rag
Body_Watermage                                Water robe
Body_Xardas                                Blackmagierrobe
Body_Zuben                                Zubens armament
Fat_Body_AssTrader                        Clothes
Fat_Body_AssTrader_02                        -
Fat_Body_Cook                                -
Fat_Body_NrdElite                                -
Fat_Body_Slave                                -
Fat_Body_Smith                                -
It_Armor_Ass_H                                Elite Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_L                                Easy Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Ass_M                                Assassinenr tung
It_Armor_Druid                                Druidenrobe
It_Armor_KDF                                Fire robe
It_Armor_KDW                                Water robe
It_Armor_Leather                        Leather gap
It_Armor_Merc_H                                Heavy Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_L                                Light Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Merc_M                                Orks dner armament
It_Armor_Nom_H                                Heavy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_L                                Easy Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nom_M                                Nomadenkleidung
It_Armor_Nrd_H                                Heavy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_L                                Easy Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Nrd_M                                Nordmar armament
It_Armor_Paladin                        Paladin Armor
It_Armor_Peasant                        Farmer clothes
It_Armor_Ranger                                Forest runner clothes
It_Armor_Reb_H                                Heavy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_L                                Light/Easy rebel armament
It_Armor_Reb_M                                Rebel armament
It_Armor_Rhobar                                Rhobars armament
It_Armor_RoyalGuard                        Splendor armament
It_Armor_Xardas                                Blackmagierrobe
It_Armor_Zuben                                Zubens armament
It_Helmet_Crown_01                        The crown of Myrtana
It_Helmet_Guard_01                        Guard helmet
It_Helmet_HeavyTurban_01                Magnificent Turban
It_Helmet_Horn_01                        Horn helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_01                        Leather helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_02                        Leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightHorn_01                         More easily horn helmet
It_Helmet_LightLeather_01                More easily leather helmet
It_Helmet_LightMerc_01                        More easily mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Merc_01                        Mercenary helmet
It_Helmet_Turban_01                        Turban

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