
2016-06-14 14:13:39


  Learn about the thrilling gameplay opportunities of Faith's MAG Rope gadget.

  一起来看看菲丝利用MAG绳索道具在游戏中创造激动人心的各种可能性吧{看了看文章,钩索的存在似乎更多的增加了可探索区域,所以这里opportunities 翻译成可能性}

  Faith needs little less than her running skills, martial arts knowledge, and determination to fight the oppression smothering the citizens of Glass. Guns are not her way - but she does use a few pieces of hi-tech hardware to traverse the city.

  菲丝需要的不只是她的奔跑技巧,武术知识,和打倒 玻璃城 压迫势力的决心。枪械不是她的菜,但她不介意使用一些高科技道具穿梭于高楼之间。

  The most essential one of these is Faith’s glove and its Manifold Attachment Gear Rope – or MAG Rope for short.

  Few people are more attached to this crucial piece of equipment than Producer Jeremy Miller, who’s now standing by to answer some questions about the MAG Rope’s role in Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst.

  这些道具中最重要的几样就包括了菲丝的手套和 多功能吸附性机械绳索(钩索的正式全称,Manifold多用途的attachment附件;依附gear齿轮;装备) 了,或者叫MAG 绳索。很少有人向制作者Jeremy Miller一样更了解这些装备了,他将回答一些相关的关于 镜之边缘催化剂 的问题

  What is the MAG Rope?

  - The MAG Rope is a device worn on Faith’s forearm that can latch on to specific points in the world, allowing for unique traversal and interaction opportunities. When Faith first gets hold off the MAG Rope early in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, she uses it to swing over gaps that are too long to jump across.

  什么是 MAG绳索?


  Upon activation, the MAG Rope shoots out a carbon fiber line, attaching to certain surveillance cameras. The swing is an extension of Faith’s move set and carries her momentum from running into the swing. In the swing, you have control over the speed and direction – and when and how you want to let go.


  Initially, the swing function is the only feature of the MAG Rope. There are however upgrades for the MAG Rope that Faith will acquire through the people she meets as her story progresses.


  How can the MAG Rope be upgraded?


  - The first upgrade Faith will get for her MAG Rope is the VD Torsional Motor. With the significantly more powerful motor, Faith can pull herself up to the attachment point, scaling vertical walls to reach new areas.

  Later on, you’ll get hold of a Grappling Tip. This replaces the tip of the MAG Rope with hook extensions, which can be used to pierce and grab certain objects in the city. For instance, Faith may grab and pull out a panel, then quickly jump off it, before the panel retracts again.

  菲丝获得的第一个MAG绳索的升级是 VD扭转运动 组件。有了这个更加强劲的组件,菲丝可以把自己拉向钩爪点,攀爬铅直的墙壁来到达新区域。(汗,之前有文章说的随故事进程会不断有新区域开放原来是这个意思啊~)

  Why did you decide to equip Faith with the MAG Rope in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst?


  - One reason is the more open city this time around. Crossing a highway - or even a two-lane road – is a surprisingly far distance that just isn’t jumpable. The MAG Rope allows us to maintain a more believable and varied city without being limited by the distance she can jump.


  Initially, Faith is a carefree Runner, using her tools to interact with the city purely as a Runner, taking shortcuts and getting to restricted areas in order to complete her runs. As her story progresses, she’ll find more important ways to use the tech.


  It was very important to not to make Faith feel like a superhero though - the tool is an extension of her movement, and is not what make her a heroine.

  我们觉得把菲丝塑造成一个 不是 超级英雄的形象很重要(比如让她像蝙蝠侠一样不用枪?)-这些工具仅仅是她动作的延展,而不是让她成为一个女英雄的要素。

  How can speedrunners take advantage of the MAG Rope?


  - I think the swing aspect will be particularly interesting for speedrunners. Runner’s Vision will show you clean, safe swing points but there are always more advanced and faster ways to get around. For example, early playtesters discovered a way to wall run, do a quick turn, leap out across a massive urban chasm, and just catch the edge of the activation area to swing across and cut huge distances off of a route. That adds a unique depth and a wider variety of traversal possibilities. It’s pretty risky though!

  我觉得飞荡功能方面会成为速度跑者们的特别关注点。信使视角下,你可以清晰地看到安全的 飞荡点 但游戏中总是有更加高大上且快速的移动方法。举个例子,早期的游戏测试者们发现通过 墙跑,快速转身,跳过巨大的城区鸿沟来飞过一大段距离或找到路线中的捷径的 方法。正是这种探索增加了游戏中移动机会独特的深度和宽度,尽管相对会很冒险!

  What do you want players to experience and feel when trying out the MAG Rope?


  - I hope players will see the MAG Rope as a natural extension of Faith’s toolset. It’s not just a gadget you activate, it’s part of Faith herself and true to the traversal rules of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. There will many riveting moments for players using the MAG Rope. Leaping off a building during a run, hoping you haven’t jumped too early, only to have it catch just after a moment after you think it won’t – those vertigo moments are amazing.



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