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神力科莎 v1.3.2升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁BAT版

神力科莎 v1.3.2升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁BAT版
更新时间:2015-10-14 13:34





- 图形修复法拉利F40(S3),宝马M4和蝎子管,风之子ř
- 修正SCG003油耗
- 修正了双核CPU崩溃由于非正确初始化线程使用“定时程序”
- 修正回放帧率错误的物理引擎率的多次产生错误的速度在回放
- 修正了用户的力反馈封盖的值设置为100%负载
- 修正了音量平衡(外部)的一些车
- DX10.1修补程序是不是也积极为ksEditor
- 使用渲染面临新的相机颜色的观众可能修复
- 绩效改进的摄像头对着观众时,反射活跃
- 修正了莲花98T AI轮胎策略(选择有资格的轮胎甚至曲目过长的那些)
- 增加了DRS区,以Nordschleife赛道
- 在Nordschleife赛道改进的AI线
- 人工智能竞赛工艺略有好转
- 改变领导对飓风队GT3
- 修正DLC2汽车拍打限制在快速的比赛
- 更换兰博基尼标志

- 对DX 10.1的显卡可能的修复崩溃
- DLC2 - 改进的低通滤波器的奥迪R8 LMS超外音
- DLC2 - 微调,一些沿海淡入淡出的兰博基尼飓风队和福特GT-40
- G27 LED灯现在退出模拟时关闭
- 现在包括正确的Linux acServer
- 修正了日产GT-R NISMO前悬挂到正确的情况下完全锁定的损害。
- 修正了奥迪R8 LMS超ABS 7级值错字。
- 修正了GT40后部外倾角设定值范围不匹配。
- 修正了GT40阻尼器设置编号
- 只有使用这两种左轮胎的气压,而不是固定的后部车身高度评价
- 有与法拉利458 S3 Trofeo赛车轮胎出货量的问题。现在我们已经把它们放回你的pitbox的设置选项。
- 修正Tatuus F.Abarth尾翼CL和CD错别字
- 增加了车型名称为“用户增益”力反馈信息

- 64位版本
- 汽车物理学现在计算在单独的线程
- 修正了KERS在维修站关闭
- 增加了软锁(使用[SOFT_LOCK]启用= 1系统/ CFG / assetto_corsa.ini)
- 增加了对DRS区域的支持
- acServer现在强调要少得多围棋GC和应该提供更稳定的性能
- 增加了FORCE_TGT强制在assetto_corsa.ini低分辨率计时器
- acServer现在使用的是围棋1.5,更快的GC
- 增加了服务器的欢迎信息
- 固定的传动比出现了双“/”,在设置画面
- 修正了acServer无法读取INI值与“=”字符(例如AUTH)
- 修正了驱动程序的名字显示器不服从工作在MP保存的设置
- 修正acServer没有创造“成果”自动文件夹
- 新的算法来计算撬卷和间距,现在全球范围内的工作,在整个模拟
- 在设置信息屏增加了粮食和水泡读数
- 增加了降档保护变速箱
- 圈数目前正在使用服务器插件的16位无符号整数报道
- 现在采用了三重缓冲时,VSYNC是,以减少等待时间
- 曝光设置现在持续
- 表面活动固定音频点击
- 轮胎平点,现在考虑到轮胎的柔软度
- 挡风玻璃现在接受阴影
- ksEditor:现在它使用相同的游戏中的发动机。
- ksEditor:添加项目menagement
- ksEditor:添加的用户个性化设置
- ksEditor:加浮动窗口和布局系统
- ksEditor:增加了天气和PPfilter装载机
- ksEditor:添加新的文件/项目管理
- ksEditor:场景面板添加的节点过滤器
- ksEditor:添加材料通过纹理材料面板
- ksEditor:添加的场景图标和侧功能按钮
- ksEditor:添加纹理细节材质面板
- ksEditor:添加纹理审查窗口工具
- ksEditor:固定重装纹理功能
- ksEditor:现在是默认的CultureInfo为en-US(数字格式,ECT)
- ksEditor:添加FOV,近平面滑块,鼠标灵敏度,视口下的拍摄角度和位置
- ksEditor:增加了仪表板选项卡
- acServerManager:取消了对某些参数上限
- acServerManager:预设名称/描述更加清晰
- acServerManager:添加欢迎信息
- acServerManager:加入资格限制
- acServerManager:增加固定设置管理
- acServerManager:固定上传的FTP。现在CFG文件夹不会被删除。
- 对serveral的汽车固定驱动器的纹理
- 轨道上选择UI固定电路大纲
- 相机开发应用程序现在保存F1相机的曝光和间距,F6相机的曝光,视野和位置和角度
- 从性能三角洲应用程序中删除了后台
- 重新设计和日志更快的代码
- 更新轮胎V5为GT2和GT3赛车,应该给少不足。
- 风之子R和法拉利599XX和公式阿巴特现在V5的轮胎。
- 少离地转向过度的Evora的S上街头轮胎V5
- GT3和GT2汽车最新的空气动力学失速的前分流器和扩散
- GT3轻微的性能平衡
- 迈凯轮MP4 GT3轮胎更正
- 修正了TC显示0的索引,当多个TC水平都可用的数字项目
- 现在显示冷,热压力读数设置状态
- 增加了“NA”国际海事组织临时工时,没有集已换出阅读
- 增加了对跟踪动态对象的支持
- 现在可以使用admin passoword加入一台服务器,并自动获得管理员权限
- 加入一个服务器管理员密码将覆盖会话“关闭”状态
- 增加了“ban_id”admin命令禁止一个用户,直接发送到黑名单
- 在多人遥控汽车现在产生skidmarks
- 修正了EDL错误的计算顺序


- Graphical fixes for Ferrari F40 (s3), BMW M4 and Akrapovic, Zonda R 
- Corrected SCG003 Fuel consumption 
- Fixed Dual Core CPU crashing due to non properly initialized threading using "Timer Process" 
- Fixed replay framerate wrong multiple of physic engine rate producing wrong speeds in replays
- Fixed user force feedback capping the value to 100% on load 
- Fixed volume balance (exterior) for some cars 
- DX10.1 fixes are not also active for the ksEditor 
- Possible fix for colored spectators using new camera facing rendering 
- Performance improvement for camera facing spectators when reflections are active 
- Fixed Lotus 98T AI tyre strategy (choosing qualify tyres even for tracks that are too long for those) 
- Added DRS zones to Nordschleife 
- Improved AI lines at Nordschleife 
- Slight improvement in AI race craft 
- Changed Led on Huracan GT3 
- Fixed DLC2 cars lap limit on quick races 
- replaced Lamborghini Logos

- Possible fix for DX 10.1 video cards crashing 
- DLC2 - Improved lowpass filter for Audi R8 LMS Ultra exterior sound 
- DLC2 - Fine tuned some coast crossfades for Lamborghini Huracan and Ford GT-40 
- G27 leds now turn off when exiting the simulation 
- Now includes correct Linux acServer 
- Fixed Nissan GT-R NISMO front suspension to correct damage under full lock. 
- Fixed Audi R8 LMS Ultra ABS level 7 value typo. 
- Fixed GT40 rear camber setup value range mismatch. 
- Fixed GT40 dampers setting numbering 
- Fixed rear ride height evaluation only using left tyre pressure instead of both 
- There was a problem with the shipment of the Ferrari 458 S3 trofeo tyres. We have now put them back in your pitbox setup choices. 
- Fixed Tatuus F.Abarth rear wing CL and CD typos 
- Added car model name to the "User Gain" Force Feedback message

- 64bit build 
- Car physics is now calculated in separate threads 
- Fixed KERS disabled in pitlane 
- Added soft locks (use [SOFT_LOCK] ENABLED=1 in system/cfg/assetto_corsa.ini) 
- Added support for DRS zones 
- acServer is now stressing much less Go' GC and should offer more stable performances 
- Added FORCE_TGT to force low res timer in assetto_corsa.ini 
- acServer is now using Go 1.5, faster GC 
- Added server welcome message 
- Fixed gear ratio appearing with a double "/" in setup screen 
- Fixed acServer unable to read ini values with a "=" character (ex AUTH) 
- Fixed driver name displayer not obeying to saved settings in MP 
- Fixed acServer not creating "results" folder automatically 
- New algorithms to calculate skid volumes and pitch, now working globally in the entire simulation 
- Added grain and blister readings in the setup info screen 
- Added downshift protection to gearboxes 
- Lap count is now reported using 16bit unsigned integer to server plugins 
- Now using triple buffer when vsync is on to reduce latency 
- Exposure settings are now persistent 
- Fixed audio clicks on surface events 
- Tyre flat spots are now taking into account tyre softness 
- Windscreens now receive shadows 
- ksEditor: now it uses the same ingame engine. 
- ksEditor: added project menagement 
- ksEditor: added user personalizations 
- ksEditor: added floating windows and layout system 
- ksEditor: added Weather and PPfilter loader 
- ksEditor: added recent files/project management 
- ksEditor: added node filter in scene panel 
- ksEditor: added Material by Texture in Materials panel 
- ksEditor: added scene icons and side function buttons 
- ksEditor: added texture detail on Material panel 
- ksEditor: added Texture Review windows in Utilities 
- ksEditor: fixed reload texture function 
- ksEditor: now the default CultureInfo is en-US (number format, ect) 
- ksEditor: added FOV, Near Plane Slider, Mouse sensitivity, camera angle and position under Viewport 
- ksEditor: added Dashboard tab 
- acServerManager: removed some upper limits on parameters 
- acServerManager: preset name/description is more clear 
- acServerManager: added welcome message 
- acServerManager: added qualify limit 
- acServerManager: added fixed setup management 
- acServerManager: fixed upload on ftp. Now cfg folder is not deleted. 
- Fixed driver textures on serveral cars 
- Fixed circuit outline on track selection UI 
- Camera Dev App now save F1 cameras' exposure and pitch, F6 cameras' exposure, fov and position and angle 
- Removed background from Performance Delta App 
- Redesigned and faster code for logging 
- Updated Tyres V5 for GT2 and GT3 cars, should give less understeer. 
- Zonda R and Ferrari 599XX and Formula Abarth now have V5 tyres. 
- Less lift off oversteer for Evora S on street tyres V5 
- GT3 and GT2 cars updated aero stalling for front splitter and diffuser 
- GT3 slight performance balancing 
- Mclaren MP4 GT3 tyre corrections 
- Fixed TC digital item showing 0 based index when multiple TC level are available 
- Now showing Cold and Hot pressure readings in setup status 
- Added "NA" for IMO temps reading when no set has been swapped out 
- Added support for track dynamic objects 
- It is now possible to join a server using admin passoword and be automatically granted admin rights 
- Joining a server with admin password will override the session "closed" status 
- Added "ban_id" admin command to ban a user and send straight to blacklist 
- Remote cars in multiplayer now generate skidmarks 
- Fixed EDL wrong calculation order

by BAT

神力科莎 v1.16升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版神力科莎 v1.16升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版神力科莎 v1.15升级档+Ferrari Pack DLC单独免DVD补丁BAT版神力科莎 v1.15升级档+Ferrari Pack DLC+免DVD补丁BAT版神力科莎 v1.13升级档单独免DVD补丁BAT版
三国群英传M 烟雨江湖 三国志・战略版 蛋仔派对(狂欢开启)
三国群英传M 星界幻想 植物大战僵尸2 重生细胞