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赛车计划 v2.5升级档+3DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)

赛车计划 v2.5升级档+3DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)
更新时间:2015-07-18 13:13





Project CARS - Limited Edition Upgrade - 001
Project CARS - Modified Car Pack - 002
Project CARS - Racing Icons Pack - 003





*新功能 - 实现通过菜单滑块来手动调整菜单春力量,静止/低速弹簧的强度和整体转向增益的能力的用户。
*新功能 - 力反馈校准屏幕现在拥有多力反馈配置选择从而用户可以选择适合个人喜好基地FFB样式,然后根据需要进一步调整它。这将创建在配置文件选择列表中选择“自定义”项中除了目前的选项:“默认”(匹配2.0补丁的FFB默认设置)和“经典”(在原始版本匹配FFB设置)。

*公式A - 增加了一个新的轮胎组现在包括两个光头胎 - 软及中。也重新平衡的加热和所有四个轮胎套穿。现在的磨损会更符合真实世界一级方程式汽车。加热更均匀前后也。艾速度的进一步重新平衡被要求,并调整到基本设置,以适应热交换。
*现代有轨电车 - 以改善驾驶性能更严厉的新轮胎更符合现实世界的经验,使得这些车更多的乐趣和参与驾驶。作出调整的FWD的个人设置和最跑车以适应变化。
*麦克拉伦P1 - 加筋了默认的悬挂,以帮助防止触底反弹,在像Nordschliefe轨道。


Game Crashes
We spent a lot of time working directly with a number of users who were struggling with game crashes, and resolved as many of these as we could. The various fixes in this patch should help a great deal in making the game more stable for those of you who were experiencing these instabilities.

Pitting, tuning, setups
* Fixed a case where the in-game tuning Setup was not being saved under certain conditions.
* Fixed the issue with cold and current tyre pressure mismatches in pitstop strategy, as well as cold pressure not being correctly applied in the tyre system.
* Ensure that the Default pitstop strategy is selected as the Active one when starting a new session.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong vehicle setup would at times be applied to the player’s current vehicle.
* Fixed another case of where cars would sometimes leave the pits with an invisible reattached wheel.
* Fixed an issue with the Pit Strategy screen where the displayed values did not reflect the saved settings.
* Fixed an issue in online races where the pit crew would ignore any changes made to the pit strategy once the player’s car was stationary in the pit box.
* Reworked some tyre compound names as displayed in the setup screen to ensure that all compounds are named to be indicative of the type of compound it represents in the pit strategy screen.
* Restrict the selectable pit strategy tyre compound types to only those available for the current vehicle.

* Fixed an issue where the Drive button would remain permanently locked when joining an in-progress session.
* Fixed an issue where, when the player progressed from qualifying to the start of the race, the player’s car would sometimes begin moving without player, resulting in false jump-starts.

* New Feature – Implemented the ability via menu sliders for the user to manually tweak the menu spring strength, stationary / low speed spring strength, and overall steering gain.
* New Feature – The Force Feedback Calibration screen now features a multiple force feedback profile selection whereby the user can select a base FFB style that suits personal preference, and then tweak it further as desired. This will then create a ‘Custom’ entry in the profile selection list in addition to the current options: "Default" (matches the FFB default settings in Patch 2.0) and "Classic” (matches the FFB settings in the original release).
* Fixed an issue with sudden loss of FFB after a crash.
* Reduced the strength of the menu spring for custom wheels.
* Fixed an issue where Mouse controls were showing a deadzone in the centre regardless of deadzone setting. 
* Fixed an issue where rumble on the gamepad could at times cause the game to slow down.
* Added support and profiles for the Logitech G29 and G920 on PC
* Added accelerator slip vibration to the wheel rim of Fanatec wheels where available, and fixed brake rumble not working. 

* Formula A – Added a new tire set which now includes two slick tires - soft and medium. Also rebalanced the heating and wear across all four tyre sets. Wear will now more closely match real-world Formula cars. Heating is more even front to rear also. Further rebalancing of the AI speed as was required, and tweaks to the base setup to accommodate the heat change.
* Modern street cars - New stiffer tyres for improved drivability to more closely match the real world experience, making these cars more fun and engaging to drive. Made tweaks to the individual setups of the FWD and most Supercars to accommodate the change. 
* Mclaren P1 - Stiffened up the default suspension to help prevent bottoming out at tracks like Nordschliefe.

by thegfw

赛车计划 v11.0-v11.2升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 v11.0-v11.1升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 v10.0-v11.0升级档+14DLC+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创提供)赛车计划 年度版单独免DVD补丁RELOADED版赛车计划 v8.0两项修改器MrAntiFun版